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Posts posted by Magda

  1. @Magda.. i dont understan what is co doing in ur case.. without approving nomination, co asked for additional docs for visa? so confusing with immi how they work?!


    I don't know what happen!! Is so confusing. I was very happy when they requested documents for visa I assumed that nomination was approved and them last week they request a lots of questions and documents..

  2. About MA I want to share my experience. The last 3th June CO opened my file and request documents that I had already give to The agent. I am sure if the Immigration agent had done their job the same day the CO had open the file had approved the visa.


    Today after 27 days I realize that in my import application there are a button "request complete" to assist the department to identify tha application is being ready for assessment and this button is still blue, so the CO can't know the application is ready for assessment


    very sad, just waste time with my MA

  3. Hi everyone,


    Here is a suggestion!! if you guys would like to share specifically,what day you are on after re-submitting additional docs .I assume that would be very helpful who got really closer to the visa but waiting really stressed and impatience.or people who got the approval already may share on what day they got the good news...that way maybe we may make a little statistic and motivate each other a little more...


    I am on the 25th day today...


    I am on the 13th day today

  4. Hi guys,


    I have found an employer who willing to sponsor me for 187 in regional NSW. Could anyone tell me about required documents for RCB application process? Do I need to have IELTS >6 at the time of RCB lodgement ? and in general, do i need to prepare the papers as a nominee to provide to my employer at this stage?

    And just want to have a clear ideas of required documents for each stage in order to better prepare for.


    Thank you!


    Hi Gaubear!! You can get the checklist in http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/checklists/187-applicant.aspx

  5. This website is very helpful. I am on 573 and still on student visa currently studying a Bachelor degree in Agriculture that will be finish this month. I has been working for 6 months in the position nominated " farm manager" (skilled level 1). My question is, this is enough experience to apply to 187 visa? Thanks for advise!!

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