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Sharon D

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  1. I came over with 2 boxes of toiletries . Regular purchases of special offers built up a good stock before departure . Could have opened a chemist but actually it's so much more expensive to buy such like so a good investment . Mobile - I cancelled my UK contract and went pay as you go here . Just changed the Sim over . TV package generally provided by Foxtel . They seem to have the market share . Also some providers do home phone and wifi package. I suggest a fund also to support your healthcare. Dentist , prescriptions ( expensive ) physio generally only partially paid for so have a back up health fund. Can't think of much more that's not already covered . Oh and try to have a bank account that has UK and Aus agreements . Moving £'s is expensive otherwise . HSBS has reciprocal not sure if there' s more. But you can just move easily between accounts . Exchange rates do add up . Think about return flight fund for emergencies . It's more expensive to book from here to UK than the other way . So just remember paying things back to the UK from here is double . The other way is of course fantastic . Do as much as you can with the tax office in the UK before you leave . Trying to reach them from here is tough , not just cost but tine differences too ! Exciting times and good for you for planning so well Good luck
  2. Doug cheers that's really helpful - good piece of work !
  3. Thank you DianaK . Good options for other locations to consider x
  4. Thank you both good to reconsider my original thoughts . Perhaps a one bed would be ok and will look out of the city aswell. Cheers
  5. Marissa thank you that's really helpful .. Guess I will have to reconsider location or find a better role !! [emoji4]
  6. Awesome Vicky thank you [emoji6]
  7. Hey all . I'm just planning to move out to Sydney in December . Be great if you could give me a rough idea of budget that's realistic for 2 bed apt Sydney . Nothing fancy but good area reqd pref close to Bondi . Also roughly budget for food etc . Quite hard to figure out when your not there ! Can't wait soo hyped .. Thanks in advance x
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