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Posts posted by Scrutineer

  1. I don't post much on here but with our citizenship test coming up next week I thought I'd post on this lovely positive thread.


    We started our journey in Darwin, I was sponsored with my job and hubby got a job when we arrived. Had an absolute blast in Darwin, such a lovely little city. My job involved flying in a small plane out to Kakadu which was unreal. A promotion came up in Alice Springs just under a year later and we went for it. Hubby again got a job straight away. Alice was beyond amazing and we definitely hope to go back. So many road trips out in the bush, wild camels and unforgettable days. The job conditions weren't great though which prompted a move a year later to Carnarvon in WA where I had another job lined up. This time hubby didn't get work, but he had the opportunity for an extended trip home to visit family whilst I worked. All up we had a nice 3 months exploring the gorgeous coast around Carnarvon.


    I applied for a job in Broome with the same firm in the hope of hubby finding a job and thankfully he landed a great job here. We ended up spending the last 3 years in Broome (and believe me we would never have predicted that :twitcy:). Heading for a transfer to Kununurra after Christmas which will also be an amazing adventure. Just in time for monsoon season and the waterfalls pumping.


    We've been incredibly fortunate and had the most magical experiences here. We absolutely love Australia and are very grateful for the opportunities that we would never have found elsewhere. Not to mention the colours that are so bright and vibrant, and make me feel happy every day. Good luck to everyone else, you only live once! x


    We feel like this overall, but we've been here a few years now so a little shop worn but in general I am very grateful to Australia for the opportunities it gave me and especially my family. I'm proud my kids were born in Australia - it's an amazing country and has so much potential.

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