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Everything posted by Kam

  1. hi, that is good. looks that you are an engineer, I was wondering how many points did you have?
  2. That is great, I had similar IELTS as well but my occupation is engineering and waiting for visa now. just wondering, was you informed that you have the case officer? and did you get in contact with him? Anyways, congrats and good luck to u
  3. That is great, many congrats Can i ask, which occupation and how many points did you have? Please
  4. Be patient, as long as CO has been allocated and contacted you , it is ok, you are nearly there
  5. But in his case, the CO has been allocated and only visa grant part is remaining. Few months ago the website was saying 189 visa process time is 18 months, if you look at it now is says 3 months.
  6. thx hasper521, i lodged few days before you. looks like we are in same boat, have to wait.
  7. Hello friends, I lodged my 189 at the end of July, so far only team 13 has contacted me for form 80, 1221 and cv but they are not CO team. Has anyone from July rounds got CO allocated? Thanks
  8. i am in similar situation got asked by team 13 to submit additional documents, have ur CO contacted you yet?
  9. Hi friend, just wondering if you got the visa of heard back anything?
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