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  1. The goal is I suppose to get settled in Melbourne for the long term. I personally would like to travel and sight see first before settling but the girls I'm with have their minds set on getting a place and jobs as soon as possible. Thing is we're in a band and it looks like Melbourne has a great scene for music so we'd like to get in the city and play as much as possible. In terms of getting a rental place, we're hoping to maybe stay in someone's place that's furnished that they're renting out cuz they're out of the country, or use air bnb and stay in some place as long as we can opposed to staying in hostels the whole time we're there. I think what I'm noticing is most people seem to be moving around a bit and doing the hostel thing, which I'm trying to explain to my friends but they're convinced staying in a hostel for 6 months is not an option and that we'll be able to find something to rent and jobs quickly because 'it's a city of 4 million people, it's not going to be THAT hard to get jobs and find a place in the trendy part of town"...
  2. Hi everyone, I had some questions about the WHV in Melbourne as this is my first time going to live abroad. 1- Can you book your return flight home but change the date later? Are the fees for this outrageous? 2- We're coming to Melbourne in December, I've heard this is a tough time to find work. Has any one been able to get work in Dec./Jan.? 3- We're (there's 3 of us) planning on getting some kind of rental space, would renting a 2 bedroom in say Fiztroy or St. Kilda for 3 people be viable for a while without jobs? Or is staying in Hostels cheaper? 4- If you've got around $4000-5000 how long is it possible to survive without work? (keeping in mind, we'll be trying to do everything on the cheap, food, booze etc.) 5- Is it quite expensive to travel from Melbourne to other areas? What are the best places to visit close by to Melbourne? I guess my greatest concern is that girls I'm going with are wanting to get a rental place to live as soon as we can, for security and to have our own space, which I understand. I'm just scared we won't get work for a while and will have to pay these bills to pay from our savings and be losing funds..but maybe with 3 ppl this is a possibility and won't be too pricey.. Thanks and if you have any other info that would be important to note, I'm all ears! Cheers!
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