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Everything posted by mummyoftwo

  1. daddylauraoftwo here (the main applicant), thanks all for the responses and helpful comments. Quick bit of background. Initially we had assumed we would go with an agent to make sure everything was all done correctly, contacted one and got an initial response saying we should be eligible for a 189, a breakdown of the costs at the various stages and an invitation to a free discussion. The cost breakdown included an initial eligibility assessment, skills assessment preparation, EOI submission and visa application. With the breakdown of my situation I had no concern of being eligible and seeing how prescriptive the CPA (which seemed logical given the reciprocal agreement with CIMA) requirements were I didn't really have too many concerns with being able to do the first stages of their cost breakdown ourselves. The EOI I understand is a relatively straightforward form so would imagine we could do that fine, which left the actual visa submission. The suggested cost here was the same as preparing the skills assessment, which led us to think it was probably about the same amount of work and if we can submit a skills assessment ok then maybe we can do the whole thing. That led us to the original post. Where we are now, I have not yet had that initial free eligibility call (although intend to book it early next week) and am gathering the documents to submit for skills assessment. Waiting for university to come back with whether they can provide any syllabus information back that far, if they can then we're in good shape, if not then to my mum's loft it is to see what I might still have. All subject to what the CPA think but best case we have a relevant degree and 10 years' experience to get 80 points (along with age and ielts), worst case if recreating my own syllabus seems like too much hard work we only submit the CIMA and 5 years' experience and get 75 points. Once university come back I will contact CPA as recommended above to get any guidance. Assuming the CPA have no issues and our own submitted EOI gets us an invite we would then consider paying a much smaller cost for an agent to make the final application on our behalf to make sure everything was ok and they caught anything we might have missed. Sure we could do it ourselves but a small cost in the grand scheme of the whole thing for that added peace of mind.
  2. Thanks Verystormy. Since posting my first post on this thread we have decided we are going to use an agent for assisting us with submitting the visa application, we would hate for anything to be wrong that we hadn't picked up on and get refused, for us it's just not worth the risk..
  3. Hi All, just wondering if there is anyone on here with children moving to Brisbane? My husband and I are currently in the process and getting ready to submit our visa application. We have two kids, a girl age 7, in year 2 and school, and a boy age 4, due to start class r in September.. I have no worries about the change for our 4 year old, he is very sociable and am sure he will adapt easily, whereas our daughter doesn't want to leave her friends at school and I worry about how she will settle once we get there as she is quite shy..
  4. Hi Michael, just thought I'd say hi. My husband and I are also in Suffolk! We are currently putting together docs for our visa application and planning a move to Brisbane with our two young children. I couldn't personally recommend a professional to speak to as we have been doing all the research ourselves, although have decided we will use an agent for assisting us to submit our application once we are ready. This site is a really helpful place.. I think they'll be a few on here who can recommend agents to talk to. I believe Go Matilda have a good reputation to name one. Good luck and will probably see you on here again!
  5. Hi Pommie, thanks for your helpful replies. We are hoping to get the EOI submitted before the end of the month so hopefully the 80 points would give us a good chance of an invite before 1st July.
  6. Thanks for all of your replies I really appreciate it and I do agree Skani that it's impossible to generalise, I was just curious to hear what others have experienced, so it was interesting to read what you all had to say. We are planning on making this a permanent move with no plans to come back to the UK so I'm sure she'd be fine in the long run!
  7. Here's where we've got to: Age 32 - 30 points (assuming we are invited to and apply before next birthday in November) Superior English - 20 points (IELTS 8.5, 8.5, 9, 9 taken in April) CIMA qualified - 10 points (unless it is 15?) 6 years' post-qualified experience - 10 points He does also have a relevant degree and 11 years' total post degree work experience but we wonder if it is worth trying to claim 80 points if he has a comfortable 70, which seems enough for everyone else.
  8. Thanks Mrsfilip, I'm sure we'll feel the same as you and fingers crossed we'll also manage fine.
  9. Thanks for both of your replies Pommie, I really appreciate it. That's exactly what we said we'd do, get everything ready to upload for when we submit the application. We are getting moving quickly with it so we can submit our EOI asap and we are aware it was halved last year.. we've talked about moving for years so have finally said enough talking, lets just do it. Do you mind me asking whereabouts you are now based seeing as you are a management accountant? We have found ourselves going round in a full circle with the destination..firstly it was Brisbane, then Perth for a short while before thinking my husband would probably struggle to find a decent job. We then thought Sydney, but started to go off the idea due to the cost of buying a property, so we have found ourselves back to square one and set our sights on Brisbane..
  10. Thanks for your reply..I can understand why you would worry, but like you say there should be no issues :-) It's such big thing to do isn't it you just want to get it all right.. we've been talking about it all day and I think we're just going to go for it alone and save the money so we have more to go with.
  11. Thanks ABG, can't believe I didn't spot that right in front of me! Good to hear it's so far, so good for you.. good luck with the rest of it. My husband has sorted out of his skills assessment and done the test a few weeks back..
  12. Can anyone tell me how you edit posts..just noticed a typo in the title line but have no idea how you make changes? Probably a good idea I do know how to lol.
  13. Hi All, I'm new to this forum, but can see me posting lots more moving forward..I've been a lurker for a long time and have found the forum very helpful since I found it! My husband and I have recently started the process of moving to Oz and would like to hear if anyone has done it without an agent? We are submitting a 189 with my husband being the main applicant and know we'll have enough points. So we're thinking it should be a straight forward application and we could save ourselves some money by not using an agent - or are we crazy doing it on our own?!? I look forward to hearing from others on their experience! Many thanks Laura
  14. Hi all, My husband and I are currently planning a move to Brisbane next spring with our two children. Our daughter will be starting KS2/class 3 this September and our son with be starting in class r. Our daughter is above average in maths and says it's her favourite subject..she clearly takes after my husband who is a management accountant and not me who hates maths! I can't help wondering about how she is going to find the change in education system, everything we have read we're happy with except for it seems maths is behind in aus?? So I guess what I'd like to hear from anyone on here is how your children have found maths in aus compared to back home? We wouldn't want her to find it too easy and loose her enthusiasm she currently has - she's always writing maths sums out at home, she loves it so much! Is it really behind from what you have experienced? We had originally thought we'd go for private schools but I think realistically we'll choose a school in one of the western suburbs, ie Chapel Hill, Kenmore area.. unless we completely change our minds once we get there! Many thanks in advance for your comments Laura :-)
  15. Thanks again:smile:, and yes, I agree, it's all very daunting at first!
  16. Hi nearlythere1, thanks for taking the time to reply. It is helpful:) I'd been thinking about when my youngest child would be due to due to start school here in September 2016 (we're based in England) and would like to think he could just start school in Oz instead. Just got to get the ball rolling now and go for it:)
  17. Think I better put my reading glasses on and have another read through:laugh: I have been reading through the website this morning, admittedly not word for word as have two little ones at home with me! Guess less haste is needed next time before I post lol. We will be engaging with an agent to assist us (like you say it is a daunting process!).. I've just been thinking about the bigger picture lots this week and wondering roughly how long the process will take from start to finish..(and hoping it works with schooling timelines etc) thanks again :smile:
  18. Hi ya, thanks for replying:smile: and not sure if you are going to see two replies pop up.. still not fully used to posting! It would be the CPA, as my husband is a qualified Management Accountant (and we would hope to apply for a Skilled Visa 189). I just can't seem to see anything about timescales on the CPA website.. as you will gather, this is the very early stages for us with our journey! I'd also like to think we are not being unrealistic in being able to move towards the end of 2016 with needing to get this assessment complete, register expression of interest, receive the invite, submit visa application etc Thanks again
  19. Hi All, I'm new to this forum, and this is my first post.. so I hope I am posting on the correct page etc etc! I have just created an account after my husband and I finally deciding over the summer holidays here in the UK that we will start planning to emigrate to Oz.. What I cannot seem to find out online is how long should it take approximately for the anzsco skilled assessment to take place before we can express our interest? I would be so grateful if anyone can offer any advice on this! Our ideal plan would be we move in time for my youngest to start school.. (he turns 3 in November) Many thanks in advance to all who take time to read this post and reply!
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