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Everything posted by scotinoz43

  1. <p><p>Hi Sarahelle..please read my post..looks like you might understand my sad situation. I'm 30 years old.</p></p>

  2. um yup. pretty much. which is why im back here because it seems like everyone else was happier here except myself. I couldn't keep my family split up any more. I do believe if we all lived there together it would have been fine and I wasn't saying it was forever- just a while. I brought my kids up without my family and I just wanted them to experience my family/ way of life because we don't get any support from my partner's side, except his grandmother. When we were there they got more love from other family members than they ever get here ( bar great nan). Like you know sharing birthdays and outings and just everyday life. My partner has sisters whose kids get all the attention from his parents so it's always hard to watch kids missing out on their grandparents. When we had the kids I think we just assumed livng in Scotland would be a possibility and the fact that I had no trouble living in Oz probably gave us the wrong idea.
  3. also, I tried everything I could to get help whilst there but it was like banging my head of a wall because immigration matters go through London so MSPs couldn't help me and the local MP was useless
  4. Please hear my story and give me any ideas you've got. I've lived in Oz for 12 years with my Aussie partner. we have been together the whole time and 3 children, ages 10, 8 and 5. We tried to move back in 2009 and sold our house to do so, but immigration laws made it too hard and we came back. We tried to recover but I missed Scotland more and last year we applied for a spouse visa. We sent it off in April. In June I took the kids over to Scotland. We were hoping to get settled (part of the requirement) and wait for an answer.My partner came over in July for 3 weeks. It took till October before we got the letter saying visa declined. But we could appeal. we took advice and went for an oral hearing. We paid the money for it and then waited for an answer. In the mean time the kids were crying at night about missing their dad and I was under the strain of looking after them without him and having to search for full time work (also part of the requirement) and them starting new school/life. My daughter, who loved school in Oz, was crying all the time and saying she had tummy pains and not wanting to go to school. I took her to the doctor 7 times in 2 weeks, but they were sure there was nothing physically wrong with her. Half the reason I wanted to go back to Scotland in the first place was because I suffer from anxiety and have a hypothyroid disorder, so this wasn't really helping me out any. My partner was coming back to Scotland for Christmas and we still hadn't had a date for the hearing a week before Christmas so we decided to call it quits and book flights back to Oz so we could travel back with him after Christmas. The next day in the mail we got the letter saying our hearing was to be, wait for it, ON VALENTINES DAY :frown: . But, because the kids were pretty excited to be coming back to oz and we were struggling with money so we decided to come back anyway. It all sounds so dumb and every day I wonder why I didn't just stay but at the time it was all just such a struggle. I wish uk immigration could see the heartache I have and the sadness in my soul and how much they have cost our family, emotionally and financially. I don't know what to do now. I still want to be there every day.
  5. I have been living in Oz with my partner (aussie) for 12 years. we have been together the whole time and have three kids together. I want to move back to Scotland but can't because they have made it impossible. It is my home and my whole family live there but I can't go back to live unless I leave my partner behind. And yet my old home town is mainly full of polish people (which I'd have nothing against if I was allowed to live there). I cry every day. We sold our home to try and go back in 2009 and it didn't work. Then we did it again last year and lived apart for 7 months and failed again and now we are hugely in debt as a result. I don't know how to recover
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