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Posts posted by lea211

  1. I had some very good news two days ago.... My PMV will be granted on 25th Aug. I applied around 10th Oct 2014.


    As I am already in Aus I emailed my CO to say I will be leaving Aus for a 5 day hol in Aug, she replied that when I return this will activate my PMV! Can't describe how excited I am to start working, I've been here for 3 weeks now and no job is killing me mentally!

  2. Because it confirms that they have got the documents you sent. A simple auto-respinse like that means that people know their email has been recieved, and it saves COs spending time writing personal acknowledgments.

    What many people fail to realise is that every single CO has to recird every single contact with an applicant on that applicants file. And they are all dealing with many files. So every moment taken responding to an email or phone call takes valubale time that could be spent on processing files!

    Having an automatic response like that can save an awful lot of work. If the Co then needs to make contact they can, but if someone is just providing documents it saves the CO from extra work.


    No I mean it doesn't make sense to say it's for documents only...

  3. I contacted my CO to ask if an upcoming trip would qualify for me being out of the country for 3 working days as I am currently in Aus on an eVisitor, She simply responded with telling me I had 30 days to hand in the final evidence (my Aus police check)... am I looking into this too much by thinking that she is wanting to grant this sooner rather than later? Wishful thinking, I reckon but you never know.

  4. Hi just a little confused I sent an email to DP on monday via the link in first email and have used before when was asked to provide extra info but had a different automated message this time




    ___________________________________________________________________*** This automated message is confirmation we have received your email***

    This mailbox is for providing DOCUMENTS ONLY.





    This is new and not what I had before and have no response either (previous emails had response with in 24 hours) so dont know if he got email or not...


    If you do send an email please let me know if you get a response..... thanks





















    Jen, I did the same two days ago and got a very quick response from my CO with the information I required. I have no idea why they have that auto response up considering some people have to have speak to their CO directly.

  5. Sorry I might not have been clear. We have 3 stat decs from AUS citizens- all witnessed. If we were to add additional uk ones as a bit of extra evidence....do they still need witnessing?

    Also I've just seen a part about proving you had healthcare cover before you are eligible for medicare. What did people do for this? Thanks



    If it's any help, I included two informal statements from my friends. I just got them to email me confirming they knew us as a couple and that they believed our relationship to be genuine. I think as long as you have the formal ones you will be fine, but it can't hurt to include as much as possible.

  6. Has anyone travelled to Oz on a tourist visa to wait for their grant? Been told I can travel to oz on an appropriate visa and exit country when spouse visa is ready...just confused as to whether tourist visa is ok. Been apart from husband for over a year so desperate to get out there, but not sure it's worth quitting my job early as so close to the 9 month mark!!


    I am doing this. I have emailed my CO to verify that I will be there and that it's okay to get my medical while I'm there too.

  7. just an update on this I was posting many pages back.. my girlfriend/wife received her PR visa 2 weeks ago which was 2 years 4 months after originally applying. Applied October 2012, Granted the TR part in June 2013 (moved to Australia August 2013) and now has been granted the PR part. Been here 18mths now, going very well she has settled great, were married two weeks ago.


    Nice to hear and congrats on wedding :)

  8. We applied at the end of August 2014 and are due to pack up and leave at the end of April for 4 months travelling Asia. Very much hoping that the visa comes in before we had off to Australia and they don't ask us for more evidence!


    I know they say don't make any irreversible travel plans, but we saw this as a once in a life time opportunity.


    Enjoy your trip!


    It is a great opportunity, and even if you do enter Aus before you get the visa grant, I guess it's another excuse to travel somewhere else. My plan is to try NZ or back to Asia as knowing my luck it won't be granted while I'm outside of Aus!


    Good luck, really not long for you now!

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