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Hayley Gee

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Posts posted by Hayley Gee

  1. Thank you. Having read many comments over the past few weeks, I am determined to trust my heart and get back to England for six months, spend time with my elderly parents and decide whether I want to live there or Australia. It’ll be a big upheaval for my kids and partner and he won’t like me for it but I haven’t liked having to stay in aus feeling homesick and trapped for the past two years. If I leave it any longer, I’ll be stuffed. Full steam ahead to try and sort an exemption to fly. This Covid business makes it a bad time but the world is in Covid, so there is risk everywhere. I don’t  think it’s too great. I’ll rise to this challenge and recommend everyone who has felt Homesick like this do the same - go home and work out from there where your heart needs to be. Then live contented...hopefully!

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  2. I am very unhappy and need to go back to the UK as I miss family, friends and culture badly. My partner does not want to go back to UK at all and even more now because of COVID. We have a 9 year old and 11 year old who know the UK well (we moved fove years ago),  miss our family in the UK but enjoy the lifestyle here .  We only came here for a two year adventure as my partner's medic work is loads better here.  I have been trying to get home for three years but as my partner does not want to go he has resisted and refused. I don't want to rip out family apart so want us to go together.  I'm desperate to go back. Time is running out due to kids schools and my partner digging in his heals more deeply every day. Would moving back to the UK be completely foolish in the current COVID situation? 

  3. I really feel your pain. My partner and I moved to QLD five years ago for a two year adventure with a 4 and 6 year old. I was always very clear this was a short term thing and I had no intention of staying in Aus. After three years I told my partner I wanted to returned to the UK and he refused and has made me feel like I am a terrible, selfish person for wanting to leave. He has agreed to leave a number of times but was horrible to me and then changed his mind each time. He hates me because I want to go home and it will ruin his plan. His work is tough in the UK and I understand that. I finally got him to agree to leave in April this year and then Covid happened and I felt we should delay a few weeks. As we are PRs we can't leave now and he is using the COVID situation to add weight to his arguement - which of course it does. I feel totally miserable and trapped and really worried about returning and my (now 7 and 11 year old) kids hating me for dragging them back. They always liked the UK and know it well but my partner keeps telling them how bad it is there, so they are scared. My parents are in bad health and living alone and my son is due to start secondary school in September and I risk losing a good school place for him. I feel my only option is to try and get home as soon as possible, despite my citizenship application (Oct 2019) being put in jeopardy if I do and despite the UK Covid situation.

    I know loads of people are in a situation. Just wanted to share my story.

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  4. I would like to apply to travel back to the UK in August on compassionate grounds - to see my 75 year mum. She had bowel cancer and is in remission however she still suffers pain because of it. She lives alone and has no carers. I was due to travel back in April to be with her. The immi criteria states she needs to be ‘seriously ill’. We don’t think she is seriously ill but she needs us. What do I need to ask the GP to write in order to get a positive response to my Exemption application? 
    Any advice much appreciated. 
    Many thanks 

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