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Posts posted by keithredpath

  1. My wife and I are 63 and 64 respectively. we applied for Visa 173 in June 2016. We plan to retire and emigrate to Australia in November. We are building our house at present. When we arrive in Australia via a tourist Visa is it possible to stay there until our 173 Visa comes through?


    Also, When would we be eligible to work?


    We have heard we might be able to get a "Bridging Visa" when we arrive that would give us the same rights as our forthcoming 173 Visa and therefore would be able to work.


    Can anyone clarify?


    Have we choose the right Visa to apply for. we are sponsored by our daughter.

  2. I am doing my own Visa Application and came across the statement "Certified Copies" of Birth Certificates etc. What are Certified Copies. I have spent a few pounds getting copies of Marriage Lines. Divorce Papers, Birth Certificates, etc. All I have done so far is photo copy them with a view to send them in. Are these documents acceptable?

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