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Posts posted by richardcoull

  1. Hey Jaimin


    This is the most difficult part of the process and i would advice you to consult this senstive matter with your RMA.

    Emotional Dependency doesnt work for over 18 dependents, you need solid evidence to get through the process.

    Evidence you can provide:-


    1.Proof of Study

    2.Proof of financial dependency (Any kinds of reciepts or bank statements involving your son in the last 12 months)


    4.Address proof ( showing that hes staying with you )


    Please write detailed answers in your questainnaire, CO doesnt like casual answers. :)


    Good luck


  2. Hey Admin @Pomqueen


    I apologize for not abiding the copyright law, but my only motive was to help the future applicants of 143 Visa.The OP of the 143 guide ( Orphan ) worked really hard on the visa subject and im sure he would love to share it with anyone.If you want his official approval, i will send it you! @Petina you can check the links given by the admin, they may have the info your require.




  3. Hey Cass


    On 5th November 2014, i got my case officer allotted.As u can see in my timeline, i lodged my visa on 12 April,2013.Few days ago (before my co allotment) my agent sent me a "pvc auto reply email" stating that they are currently processing CPV 143 applications lodged on 9th April,2013.


    Cass do you have your acknowledgement letter ? and can i ask how often does your agent updates you with information ?


    Richard Coull

  4. Hey barry


    Now we have to wait for the case officer before getting our aos processed, so yeah, its still pending.


    Centerlink processing is same in every state, it takes 2 days (interview,deposit and approval) to process an aos.

    What take time is the queue we are in! If im supposed to apply for aos in the next few days and people already got their appointments for that period, its gonna take me a month to get through.



  5. Hey Barry


    thank you

    Thats the only info i wanted and by processing time i meant, processing time for co alottment.

    And im really sorry if it was not right of me to ask for such small piece of information from Alan

    I thought Alan is participating in this forum just to clear our doubts and stuff. lol


    p.s- next time ill post when i get my co and try not to get impatient.




  6. Hey again


    If you are talking about gainwave.co.uk, it is working fine.


    Recent post of Orphan (Saaustralia CPV thread):-


    PROCESSING UPDATE as at 15 October 2014

    Some REALLY good news for everyone in the Waiting Room.

    Based on the latest information appearing in the progress tracker on the UK website www.gainway.co.uk/cpv/ it seems as if the visa processing delay is reducing....and significantly!

    An applicant "paddyman1" has posted the following timeline:

    Application lodged: 14 April 2013

    Case Office appointed: 03 October 2014

    VAC Request date: 03 October 2014

    Days to CO: 537

    This means that despite the official announcements being published by the Parent Visa (which still say March 2013 processing) some of the visa teams are already half way through April 2013!

    What is also interesting here is that it has taken this fellow only 17 months & 3 weeks from visa lodgement to Case Officer, following which his second VAC payment was requested on the same day! It appears that he had all his paperwork done and ready by the time his CO was appointed, including the AOS side of things (which he completed on 01 September 2014), which is why his application was approved immediately.

    And this is not an isolated case. Another timeline posted by "Day325" reflects the following

    Application Lodged: 25 March 2013

    Case Officer appointed: 09 October 2014

    VAC Request Date: 09 October 2014

    VAC Payment date: 13 October 2014

    Days to CO: 563

    And yet another - "Jitty" posted

    Application Lodged: 26 March 2013

    Case Officer appointed: 14 October 2014

    Days to CO: 567

    It may be that UK visa applications are dealt with faster than those from South Africa....but I don't believe so. What I think happens is that visa applications are allocated in batches to the various Case Officers and Teams, and the speed at which they process each batch of visas depends entirely on how complete their applications are. If there are documents missing, or they have to wait for PCCs or Medicals, then everything is delayed.

    Another thing is that all three of these applicants mentioned above have gone through agents. That is not to say that Agents get preferential treatment, but rather that agents will ensure that all the documentation is completed correctly and submitted timeously. This supports my "be prepared" theory

    If I am correct, it also means that the Parent Visa Centre reports the visa processing date according to the last application still outstanding, and not against those which have already been completed. This is to prevent a flood of enquiries from applicants who feel that their application has been overlooked.

    There are lessons for all of us this. Firstly, don't wait for your CO to ask for medicals, PCC and AOS approval; have this done and all your documents in place before your review date. Secondly, don't read too much into the "official date" reported by the Parent Visa Centre, as this represents the worst case scenario. And thirdly, pray that the applicants in front of you have all their ducks in a row, so that you are not delayed unnecessarily!



    (sorry orphan, im just lazy haha)

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