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Posts posted by AmandaJB

  1. Can I say that the receipting of a visa application simply confirms a valid visa application has been lodged.


    In other words, for the generality of visa applications that the correct visa application forms have been submitted and the first Visa Application Charge has been paid to the Department of Immigration.


    The claims made in the application will be checked once the documents start to be reviewed, which won't be straightaway for CP visa applications.


    Best regards.


    Thanks Alan, that was my understanding of this part of the process - for me, just the fact the first hurdle is out the way and the application hasn't been returned as incorrect or something is a big enough deal :-)

    All the best,


  2. Hi Amanda


    At last got my receipt this morning - interestingly they said I'd lodged on 23rd June even though docs were signed for on 20th June in the afternoon. it would appear that Friday afternoon post becomes Monday a.m.

    Got to say I'm so relieved. My email says that the application is validated and receipted so at least I know the forms were all OK and I hadn't made any silly mistakes. Had to admit to dancing around the room in excitement!


    Not ot long to go for everyone else - it's so hard to be patient but it's such a relief to know that we are now in the system. they are still saying 5 months for acknowledgement etc so no changes to timeline.




    Yay, hooray Julie :-) That's great news - I know the feeling, you feel as though you've passed a test or something when they say all seems in order! Five months has now become "only" a 2 1/2 months further wait I guess, same as the waiting time to this stage. At least early July parents know it's not too long now as well.




  3. Thanks Julian, Barry, Tabitha,


    It seems to depend where you live too then; those are about the costs I had originally assumed they might be (maybe the £750 was for two people). Ours won't be due for more than 12 months so things will no doubt change a lot in that time too - I'm just thinking, I must start a plan or table of each and every cost we can expect - because there will be a lot of them (and unexpected ones too no doubt!).

    Happy weekend to you all :-)



  4. Good morning/evening, depending where you are :-) I am just wondering if anyone knows a rough estimate of the cost of the medical required (UK)? I have seen someone mention £750 but surely not?? I assume that perhaps each clinic can set their own charge?

    Any recent experiences would be good to know, as I'm sure they likely increase each year.

    Many thanks,


  5. Hi Amanda


    Great news - I can't wait until next week when hopefully will receive the same email. We are 2 days behind you with lodgement date we'll see if they are doing things in order. All this waiting for an email and now another wait, still a least you know they are on the case.




    Hi Julie - yes, next week for sure... keep us updated :-)

    All the best,


  6. Hi Amanda

    Good to hear from you.

    As you would expect there's no news, I have to say that I do think it outrageous that they expect all this money but do not treat us with the minimum of respect or customer service.

    They have been saying for a few months now that they have employed a "task force" ro deal with the backlog but it is so slow and frustrating.

    Never mind it could be worse I suppose.

    Hope to see some more positive news in the forum soon!!




    Hi Steve, won't be long now before you hear from them.... no doubt you will have seen my earlier post.



  7. Finally! For those still waiting, I received my confirmation of lodgement e-mail today (subclass 143), lodged 18 June 2014 :-) They reminded me of bank charges on credit card fees which don't apply to us as went sent a bank cheque, but perhaps those who filed around a similar time need to remind their bank of the credit card charge about to go out. It states there will be a 5 month wait from lodgement date to register an application and send the acknowledgement letter so that'll be end of November (it also mentions the delay in registering the application will not affect the processing time for a decision on the application). I am so glad this part is over, now for the next wait. Hopefully you will all be receiving the same e-mail shortly.

    Have a great Friday


  8. Hi Amanda


    We lodged our 143 on 20th June 2014 and payment will be by credit card - still nothing taken. It's so frustrating!!!! When something is costing this much money you would think that out of common courtesy you would at least get any email saying OK we've received it, waiting time is.........for anything further. We're off to Oz for 7 weeks in December and I'm sure they'll want this that and the other answered whilst we are away from home!


    Hi Julie,

    Ours was lodged during the week after yours, so it won't have been dealt with yet either. Very frustrating - we all knew there would be a long wait, but taking payment should be done by now. Like you say, an e-mail would be enough initially, I am sure they must be receiving a lot of queries which would be taking longer to deal with than sending out a standard e-mail to us all, or put something on their website. Lucky you, off to Oz in a few months :-) Like you say that'll likely be the time you hear anything, I'm sure you'll be keeping a close eye on e-mails while away. Let's hope something moves soon, so we can all look forward to the next step. I guess all we can do is keep busy and hope time flies!!

    All the best,


  9. HI

    For what it's worth here is what I have managed to find out.

    Our 143 was delivered by courier on 1 July 2014 and as yet no money has been taken for the 1st VAC.

    I e-mailed the parent visa office in Perth and had a reply saying that they were acknowledging applications received on 1 June, this e-mail was dated the 1st August, they went on to say that they had a vast number if applications 3000 in four days in June against the usual 53 a day!

    They said they would acknowledge as soon as possible.

    I like you remain concerned about any potential price rise.

    Hope this helps a little.




    Hi Steve, hope all's going well. I'm just wondering if your 1st VAC has been taken yet? Our application was sent not long before yours, but with a bank cheque sent for payment, we won't see when payment is taken the same as if we'd provided card details. I guess with the vast number of applications (and money!!) they received in June things may slow down - I wonder how they will deal with the volume!! More staff? Faster processing? I guess only time will tell now. It would seem unfair that the "faster parent visa route" which is now the only option could end up taking much longer, especially with the large 2nd fee we have to pay. Look forward to hearing your news regarding the 1st VAC.



  10. Hi Freya, I am in a similar position to you (youngest son was born in Perth in '87) and I have two Aus citizen sons, my eldest having obtained it by Descent, from his father. Fisher1 is correct, if you did not gain citizenship nor return within 5 years (I think) then, (unless compelling circumstances can be proven), you do need to start from scratch which I am also doing - much to my dismay (those fees!! that process!!). So, you're not alone in your endeavour to return under those circumstances, and I know that for me, and my husband, the contributory parent visa is the only choice. However, do perhaps check the Accountancy qualification? I am not familiar with working/sponsor visas but an agent would be able to assist (there seems to be an age requirement though). Good luck!!!

  11. Hi Amanda


    They confirmed they'd received it 2 September but I don't think they confirmed it until November/ December, and only after she chased them several times!!!

    Hi Lou, thanks for the info, always good to know of others experience so we know we are okay. I'm pretty patient which is just as well in this process :-). I think I need to give it until at least end of September before chasing it up. Time seems to pass so fast these days so it'll be here before we know I'm sure.

    Cheers, Amanda

  12. Hi AmandaJB


    Our application for the 143 was delivered/lodged on 1st July so I would be interested to know how your application history goes as we're so close in lodgement dates.

    All very nerve wracking this process!




    Hi Steve2, yes I'll be updating on here for sure, hope you do too. It is nerve wracking, and lengthy (and pricey!), I think we will need to be patient for a while now. You were lucky with lodging on 1 July that they don't seem to have increased the fee this year. I thought they would go with a big increase since there is no longer the 103 option. Some good news for a change! Good luck...



  13. Hi Lou8670, I'm relatively new here, so bear with me please :-) We lodged our 143 application 24 June 2014 (very exciting!!) and I see you mention your MIL had some sort of confirmation not long after lodging it. I don't think I've heard that before, I've only heard of the formal acknowledgement which I understand may take up to 6 months? Mind if I ask how the confirmation was received, by e-mail perhaps? I'm guessing it was a very basic acknowledgement? Many thanks, and I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this thread, so helpful and great to know we are not alone!!


    Wow, my MIL isn't going to be very pleased to hear you're still waiting after 21/22 months! I wish in some respects she was going through a migration agent as I think she would believe them but when I tell her she doesn't really want to listen and I don't want her wasting her money doing the PCC and medical too early.


    My MIL sent off her application end of August 2013 which was confirmed received 2 September. So based on your timeline she shouldn't do her PCC until January February 2015 and her medicals until April 2015 :eek: it would be good to know jen1977 and Carob when you're both allocated your case officers :biggrin:

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