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Posts posted by Steve2

  1. Life is sweet!!!!







    • UNPLANNED OUTAGEWe are currently experiencing technical issues and clients are not currently able to submit visa or citizenship applications, nor will they be able to attach documents to existing applications.VEVO is currently affected by the same issue and will not provide visa or work entitlement information. We apologise for any inconvenience.






    Helpful of the website eh?!


    Not to worry as the e651 is usually granted immediately or within a few hours, so you have plenty of time mate.


    If you get really frustrated the ticket agents will do them for you.





  2. Hi


    still not got my head around it yet?


    when we enter Oz on a 651 can we get in Ok without holding onward or return tickets? I know we have to go offshore for the grant but I don't want to buy return tickets in order to enter Oz in the first place.


    having looked at the return airfares to Oz this morning am starting to feel sick!




    Hi Julie


    When we were booking our flights for July it was actually cheaper to get return tickets than one way.


    Also I'm under the impression that as we're entering on a tourist visa, even though we're waiting for PR, we have adhere by the tourist visa rules and to not have a return date three months after entry could cause issues - so we're going to play it safe.


    Good luck



  3. Buy

    Morning Julie, totally agree regards all the disappointing news, but at least we can by e-visitor visas now, knowing we actually do need them, and not just spending out for the Plan B - Security Blanket!


    We thought you had to go offshore for at least 7 days, so a grain of good news from within IMMI's message, we only have to go for 5 days. So happy heads back on, where shall we go! Singapore? NZ? China, already feeling better thinking about where to go!





    Very disappointing news and like you we'll have to go out on the e651 (which is free by the way and allows stays of up to 3 months each time and is valid for a year so plenty if time?)


    Bad day silly o'clock club members.



  4. Good on yer Steve! Thats what we have ended up doing, so in 5 weeks we travel, and have now started to look at likely destinations to jump off and back on again. e-visitor visa being purchased later today, for our initial journey. We are staying in Lockridge with our son, we already have a car waiting for us out there, so we thought we would rather continue waiting out there than here.


    Hi Alan


    We'll be in Joondalup to start with.

  5. Hi all


    Arrived today and now sat here in our hotel room in Wellington, NZ. My phone has just beeped and our Agents have emailed me to say we have been granted our 143 :wink:. So with an enormous Wooooohoooo!!!! Maisie has left the waiting room.


    Good luck to all those still keeping the seats warm, hopefully you'll all get the email you've been waiting so long for really soon.




    Brilliant news - so pleased for you!!

  6. As I am 23 May I should have had a Case Officer 3 days ago to be in line with "up to 23 months'. We couldn't hold our tongue any more so have sent an email to immi asking for some indication as they have gone over 23 months in our case. @Val Tibenham is 2 days in front of me and in same boat Kim




    Good luck I hope you get a positive reply.


    I reckon they'll say that due to unprecedented applications during May/June 2014 that progress will be slow for a while - I really hope that I'm wrong.


    We're fed up waiting so have booked flights for 19 July in the hope that our timing and everything else works out.


    All the best



  7. Hi Steve, Obviously forgot to put on forum. Much to my surprise my visa was granted in February. At the end everything was very quick. I was one of the lucky ones and had my HAP number at the beginning. Had my medical in November and I was advised to get a letter from my oncologist to take with me. It included diagnosis, where I was with the treatment and what was the prognosis. Also what Tests would I need for the next five years. It was sent to immi and it then went quiet. Went to Australia for christmas and while I was there CO was allocated the request was received for AOS, and police check. AOS was really easy and was completed before I came home. Police check had to be completed before the 5th January, however not home until the 4th so my agent e-mailed immi and explained. I had to pay for the quick turn around, and send the certificate of postage to my agent. Response was quick and police check sent to immi on the 9th January. Request for 2nd VAC was received and luckily I signed for my son to be able to sign on my Australian bank account. This was the quickest part the chq was sent registered and was signed for at 10:00am on the 9th February and my visa was granted before 12:00. I fly out on the 26th June to Adelaide. I haven't seen anyone else on the forum going to Adelaide. I really didn't think I would get a visa straight away. It did take 24 months. Acknowledgement was 10th February 2014 and granted on the 9th February 2016.


    Sorry it rambles on that's chemo brain for you.


    Best wishes






    That's absolutely brilliant news, I'm so very pleased for you.


    And you're not rambling, your story will be an inspiration to us all.


    Very best of luck



  8. Just down the road in Witham would you believe it! my other half s waiting for sponsored 457 lots of interest from BMW dealership but because we can't be ready to move because of our cats until October they can't commit yet but his time is running out as he's 50 this year. If that doesn't pan out then the CPV route as my son lives in Melbourne and can sponser us. Are you going out for work or family or retirement?




    Not far from us at all.


    We're going out for family and lifestyle and need to find some work.

  9. Morning Alan


    humph, this silly o'clock is driving me mad. Ever since we exchanged contracts on the house I've been up at 4 or 5 am. Just occasionally I get the luxury of 6am. Must be my mind trying to switch me to Ozzie time!

    Hoping for a late May processing date so that next week it might possibly be approaching June 14 for me!





    Hi Julie and Alan


    I'm another member of the silly o`clock club - expensive subs eh?!


    No answers to the test emails for me either.





  10. Sorry if anyone has taken offence against my comment, I only knew it was yet another public holiday in Oz, not that it was Anzac Day! Of course it s an important day.




    Hi Julie


    Certainly no offence taken by me, I was just trying to put our frustrations into context with the bigger picture and hoped in a strange sort of way that we'd relax a little when we compare our position to others.


    On your other issue, can you not try for a holiday let over there to tide you over until your daughter is in her new home and your visa is granted?


    We're considering likewise once we're over there in July as it looks like we'll now lose our land we had on hold due to the delays in visa grant and we don't want to be under the feet of our son & DIL for too long - just a thought?


    All the best



  11. Yes, but it a very important bank holiday it's ANZAC day, :wink:


    Yes I agree, I think we have to put our own frustrations into context with what Anzac Day means:-


    " ANZAC Day occurs on 25 April every year. On this day we honour all the men and women who have participated in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. Incredibly, more than 100 years have passed since Australia’s involvement in the First World War"


    Sobering eh?!


    All the best



  12. Hi good people


    Great big Woooohoooo!!!! Just had notification that PVC have received the final vac from us and will be granting our visa once we've left to go to NZ on Tuesday.


    I've vacated my seat and I'm stood at the waiting room door with my foot in it ready to go. Shuffle up everyone :wink: I'll let you all know when we get the word that it's done.




    Fantastic inspiring news - the very best of luck with your new life and enjoy New Zealand!!



  13. Hi @Steve2

    Take it from someone who has run the course "it will, eventually....... all magically fall into place"

    The long long long wait will soon be over as more and more of my fellow "2014ers" open the door and leave the waiting room.

    Steve the reality of that cold beer in Little Creatures is getting closer and closer, hang in there, your time is approaching.

    Cheers Cobber



    Cheers Phil, really can't wait!!

  14. Hi Steve I have my visa letter in front of me and it says

    Applicants who are in Australia

    An application cannot be finalised while an applicant is in Australia.

    All applicants who are in Australia are required to make arrangements to depart Australia within 28 days of the date of this email.

    Within 7 days applicants are required to provide a scanned copy of their departure arrangements from Australia to the Parent Visa Centre. Applicants should allow a minimum of 3 working days for a visa to be granted following departure from Australia.

    Hope this helps.

    I am almost certain that you both have to enter together to activate visa.

    Good Luck. You are nearly at the end.



    Hi Linda


    Thanks so much for this, clarifies everything, even if it's not what we wanted to hear, but at least we now know for sure.


    I think it's outrageous that the staff at Australia House don't know their own rules as they misled me immensely, although I was pretty sure I was right anyway.


    Hope you're settling down over there and we look forward to meeting you when/if the day comes.


    Take care



  15. Hi all


    Two questions on the 143.


    I spoke to Australia House in London on Friday and during the conversation I mentioned that if we were in Australia on an e651 visa then we have to leave the country and go offshore for the 143 to be granted - the staff member said no we don't; has anyone had experience of this and confirm who's correct?


    Also, if we are in Australia and do have to leave to activate the visa, do we have to do it together of can we do so separately? (it's all down to dog care issues with our family)


    These things are a worry to us and feeling very stressed and feel like giving it all up today.





  16. Hi - can somebody please help me with some advice about money transfer/opening an Australian bank account etc. Basically,how do I do it, who do I do it with and when? How do I go about transferring money in readiness for the AOS etc., and very important what is the most cost effective way of doing it?!


    Thanks in advance for any assistance - it all just seems so complicated, and this process is so stressful anyway, I'm at my wits end now trying to get my head round it all.


    Hi Sadge


    Don't panic, it's all pretty straightforward really.


    I'll PM you with info on what we've done.





  17. Thanks everybody for the kind thoughts. I keep looking at my phone to see if there's a message but nothing so far. My daughter's postman doesn't turn up till gone 4pm so will be too late today if they've sent it by mail and the bank shuts at 4 anyway humph!!




    Thinking of you and I'm sure this is THE week!


    Hope so anyway as I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you so much that I'm getting cramp now!


    All the best



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