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Tony Giglio

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  1. I'm an Italian born citizen who has also become Australian citizen. I would like my mother, who is alone and has no relatives, to come to Australia to stay close to me but, to my great surprise I've just found out that the normal Aged Parent Visa is cancelled from the 1st of June and therefore there is only Contributory Aged Parent Visa. But it would cost us 50,000 dollars and we don't have all these money to spend. Don't you htink that this visa, providing the normal one has been cancelled, is against human rights? Family to me is very important and I don't think is fair that only people that can afford to spend so much money can have their parents joining them. My mother has her pension so she will be financially indipendent and won't need any help from the Australian Government. On top of that she will live with me and I'm an ayurvedic medicine consultant so she will be under my care. Why can't I have my mother coming to Australia with me? I don't think it is fair... Any suggestions? I'm seriously htinking that this is in violation of human rights. What do you think? Are there any human rights lawyers that could give me a suggestion? Thank you very much indeed, Antonino Giglio
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