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Everything posted by Lucharmily

  1. This is why I don't have a facebook account. Call me old-fashioned but I prefer to pick up a phone or write to friends.
  2. I was really surprised when I read this post. From the title, I assumed you needed to break the news to family members that you would be leaving behind. When I discovered it was your partner, I couldn't believe you'd got this far without being on the same page regarding migration. Definately time for a frank and honest discussion before you proceed any further. Good luck to you both.
  3. We were in a fortunate position a few years ago to take time out form our Oz life and travel round the country in a campervan. Homeschooled 2 children while third was under school age. Children learn far more outside of a classroom. Had a fantastic experience which we will cherish for many years to come.
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