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Ribbon Katie

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Posts posted by Ribbon Katie

  1. Hi there,

    So I came to Australia five years ago, my marriage broke down and my former husband remarried in England in December. I gave him permission to go to England(he lives here in Perth but wanted to be to get married in the UK), the children (four) were gone for four weeks. 

    I have a holiday booked to America and need to get visas. My husband won't give me the passports as he wants half the costs. Doing a quick Google search, I can see that a replacement child passport is 49 pounds ($91) and an adult 85 pounds.

    He demands I pay $350 each for each of the passports (188 - pounds) so total $1400 as I also have to contribute 50% to postage and extending pr costs as well. He claims each one was $700 hence for each child I need to contribute $350 (50% of total costs). I'll point out here that he took the passports from my house without authorisation and I have since become a Citizen, but couldn't get my kids Citizenship as he took the passports from me without consultation.

    I went to see a solicitor today and she said in order to start the ball rolling to get the passports back she'd like $1100.

    What would you do? Should I go back and say I am not contributing to postage, pr and photos and I'll just pay the $91 for each passport. Should I go with the solicitor or should I just offer a set fee or offer what he is asking.

    I have been racking my brain for hours over this, so any advice appreciated. Also knowing my former husband for 22 years, even if I hand over the money, there is the likelihood he may not actually give them to me.

    The solicitor says for that fee she'd write him a strongly worded letter and follow it up.....claiming that they would pursue half the cost of the holiday if he didn't  give them back

    Please help.....



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