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Everything posted by petstar12

  1. Hay I never said I "loathed" mate !! and your you on the attack then you must live in Australia yep Sydney HOW CAN YOU NOT SAY IT IS NOT HOTTER WHEN NSW HAD ONLY THIS SUMMER THE WOSRES BUSHFIRES IN THE BULE MOUNTAIN my uncle lives there he said he's never seen anything like it! I have lived here 38 year Without ever going anywhere why it is that Australian /English people go on the attack because I assume your from UK originally when anyone say what they think I have not put Australia down in any way !! I have a bloody Australia accent Mate!! But Fact Australia and Perth is in the middle of NO where I am not in anyway feel sorry for myself and it is PERTH that cops it from the people in the east who think we are backwards mate!! If I am too live in Australia PERTH is where I will live not in the east!! and I don't think Tassie is an S***hole as you put it and never once said that. Mate don't Judge want you know nothing about you don't know me or what I have been through so don't judge until you do there were reasons for staying here mostly because I got very very sick !
  2. Thank you rosiew and yes managing Lupus in Australia is hard as it has become so hot everywhere and I get sick with the sun that bring on the lupus attacks which I have had to take stronger and stronger meds to keep under control which in turn have caused there own side effects I have had so many broken bones from the side effect of the drugs and don't have much immune system to speak of which are just two of the things that I live with each day that is why I want to move back as it has without any doubt become much hotter for longer in Australia too the point that my doctors over here asked me if I has thought about moving back to UK IT WAS HARD ENOUGH MOVING OUT HERE and I did not get a choice at the time because I was only 17 I would of said no and did to coming but my dad was the one who wanted to come all my family aunties and uncles and other family live in UK.IT has just turn autumn here and it is still warm too warm for this time of year but a least it not in the 40c for weeks like it is in summer which have become a nightmare for me.I know it a big deal moving back home but I also know once I got settled I would be better of as I am not one who would complain about the English weather ! because that all you here English people that came here say that they hate the weather in England.
  3. I already feel like I live in the back of beyond living in West Australia It is so far from anywhere.....the EU you have so many places to go. No I would not want to live anywhere else in Australia I have family lives in blue mountains in NSW but I don't want to live anywhere else in Australia it is proving to be to complicated to move back home so many reason why I can't on here so I will re think the whole thing as it is true what they say once you leave your own country you don't belong anywhere anymore I am not Australia and it gets pointed out too me here they know I come from UK yet back in my own country I don't belong anymore cos of red tape and being gone for so long so it is true once you leave you do not belong anywhere any more and no I am not married.:confused:
  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-04-28/abbott-budget-deficit-age-pension-reform-unavoidable/5416470?WT.mc_id=newsmail like I said we are in for a big sake up with the pension and everything else here this May.
  5. nope thanks Tassie is not even class on the map here they are left well behind as it not part of the mainland it like uk but has really high unemployment and miles away from anywhere else.
  6. yes you are right and I agree this is madness at its best as they will not ever get rid of the queen here they love them so that means Australia is still under British rule with a Governor general for each state that answers to the Queen Australia makes all the people from what ever country they have an agreement with claim part pension from the country where they were born we are about to get in Australia big pension sake up and rules will be different here some my not even get a pension here if they have too much money already and they are hoping into the further the peoples super will be there pension it just does not seem fair or right that if you want to live back in your own country that you can because of the pension and the way things are set up between Australia and UK
  7. then I think that is so bad when she is English and yep we have it better in Australia so maybe I will rethink may plans to come back home and stay right here where at least I will get a pension if I live that long! but it will be a full pension. I think that is so bad when your sister only stayed at home to have kids I see you live in Australia your sister lives in UK?
  8. Both my mum and dad when he was alive got pensions from uk my dad got more than my mum cos he had more stamps they used to have stamps then my mum is no 78 years old and still get a part pension from the Uk and one here from Australia THEY MADE MY MUM GET A PENSION from they uk saying she had to claim it even those she had not worked there for long she stopped work to have kids there are thousand of English people here get part pension from the Uk and the other part from Australia that is a fact! my dad worked in Australia more than ten year he still was told to claim a pension from uk and a pension from Australia that how it works here.
  9. to answer you last Question if your born in Australia and live outside Australia and then come back to Australia you will get a pension but Australia has an agreement with many country's that they will pay part of that persons pension so if you lived in Uk for many years then want to come back to live in Australia because your family live here you will get a part pension off the Australia gov and one off the uk too. I do not expect to get a pension from the uk I am saying that it is nut that I am told that I have to at 70 years old come back here and claim a pension why can I just not claim this Australian pension in the UK.I know that if you want to come and live here in Australia then yep you have to have lots of money if your not Australian I am English always will be was born in uk and even those after a number of years you can put up your hand and pay to become an Australian your still English cos that where you were born.
  10. thank you I know this from family that live in uk and to be honest if I was to listen to what you guys put on here I would of given up even think about moving back home but I have been told by the uk gov that I would get a Disability pension they cracked down on it in Australia too it is the same here.
  11. thank you for your links but I already found them and have email them from what your telling me the uk says no you can not live here we will not give you a pension we don't want you back here! my question is what about all the people in the UK that never worked a day in there life and there are many if it goes on how much you worked to what pension you get what do they do with them? I am an Australian citizen on paper but was born in England spend 19 years there before coming here with my family and this getting a pension from Australia but I have to come back to Australia to get it well the pension age here is 67 and is set to go to 70 so at 70 years old I am expected too come back here and live here a year to get the pension sounds crazy to me I have emailed UK GOV to see what I can do and not do.
  12. I can not believe that I would not get anything if I went back to uk to live I don't want to live in Australia anymore I want to move back home I am English not Australian I will look into this more by contact the pension people in the uk and find out for myself I can not believe that they would leave you with nothing even Australia does not to that with people that come on a boat!! so thanks for your help but I am not giving up I want to move home where most of my family lives I have a British passport not an Australian one if I did some thing real bad they would deport me back to UK even after all this time I need to find this out from the people that hand out the pensions and from people that can help I could go back and live with family get a job and stay there I am English was born there I am in west Australia but it does not matter all of Australia is hot !
  13. That is nuts since here in Australia you are made to claim the pension from Britton if you are British and then they pay you a part pension here thought it would be the same way over there I am no where never pension age anyway and they are thinking of putting the age up to 70 here before you can get a pension.it is already 67 here before you can get a pension I on a Disability pension different to age pension.
  14. I AM 54 YEARS OLD I was born I UK and came to live in Australia when I was 16 years old you may ask why now ? that I want to live back home I have family there and the weather here in Australia does nothing for a disease I have called lupus which the sun make much worse I have been told I live in the wrong country now I have lupus and was born in Yorkshire which I love what complications with pension do you mean please?
  15. Hi for a while now I have wanted to move back home where I was born I have lived in Australia a long time but always wanted one day to move back home while living out here I got Lupus and that has cause may problem but the sun out here (which is very hot now hotter than ever before makes my lupus worse) can anyone help me by telling me how I would go about moving back to UK any help would be very welcome I have family in UK lots and my close family is all here just would like to know how I would go about this thanks. jane
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