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Posts posted by tothemoon

  1. Wow that's not long is it? 4 months to activate.

    I know I will not be able to travel over to activate and then return to UK due to finances. Thanks for replying. Is this due to when you had police checks and medicals or is the time reduced due to visa?

  2. Hi everyone. Can anyone answer my question please? I have looked and can't find where it's stated so hopefully you knowledgeable folk will know.


    When you are granted a 489 skilled visa how long do you have to move over?

    I know with 189 you have 1year to activate then 5 years to make the move but I am assuming 489 is different. Do any of you know please ? Xx

  3. Hi everyone. I am planning a move on a 489 skilled regional sponsored visa. I need 2 yrs post qualifying experience to gain sponsorship but my query is... Do I have to wait until I have the whole 2 years before I apply or can I apply beforehand knowing it will take time?

    I am just trying to work out my timeline for getting everything done.

    Thank you

  4. Thanks everyone, I can work anywhere in QLD except Brisbane and The Gold Coast and anywhere in SA on a 489 visa. I think much will come down to where the work is but I like to know the differences between the places and there's no way for me to find out except from you lovely bunch of people.I will definitely be looking around for work before leaving. Anymore advise is more than welcome xxx

  5. HI everyone, I am researching my options for when I eventually move to oz.I am looking at getting a 489 visa and I would like peoples opinions on which area would be the best for me.I will be a qualified nurse and moving on my own. I will be around 42 when I move and would like somewhere near the sea as I would love to learn to scuba dive but I don't want to be to far from the city as will need to make a new social life for myself.Any opinions are welcome and I have plenty of time as I won't be starting the process until next jan but I like to have time to research.Thanks

  6. Do what is best for you. They may be upset and angry at the thought of you leaving but you have your lives to live as you see best. Don't let the emotions of others change your mind if it is truly what you want. As you say there's no more push backs. I hope you make the move as planned and hopefully they will come round to the idea when they see its not the end of the world and they can still keep in touch. Chin up and carry on xx

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