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Everything posted by peasy

  1. We have be living together for a while - over a year, so hopefully it shouldn't be a problem.
  2. - we might take a car? I am struggling to find out the exact cost but there seems to be lots of extra taxes like Luxury car tax which I don't want to be unprepared for then get stung on oz arrival?
  3. Because I am taking my boyfriend with me, the company brought out this HUGE book and said that we had to provide this much evidence if I was going to get him on my visa, which really scared me about how much information about everything we would have to provide and organise if we did it alone?
  4. Hello - A question for all those who went out to Australia under there own steam. We are currently looking to emigrate out with a skilled immigration subclass 189 Visa. This should cost us approx £4000 to get, (incl medical/IELTS test/Visa application) The company here in England who we have had an initial consult with have guaranteed their support with all the above, (as i am lead to believe it is very hard to get a visa secured if you do it by yourself), incl support with moving - flights/short term accommodation, notification of changes to visas - dealing with all the authorities, import taxes etc, and they want us to pay them an additional £4000 for there services bringing the total to £8000. My question - is it worth spending double to use an emigration company or do you think the average Joe can go about this process on there own with a reasonable chance of success? Thanks all, Rach p.s if anyone can suggest any cheaper agents that would also be v helpful!
  5. I think thats why we have chosen melbourne - as i've heard you still get seasons but weather stays pretty warm! hopefully not to much snow. Does anyone know how dog friendly oz is, i know everyone has said not much wildlife so is it safe to let dogs off lead, can you take dogs to the beach etc?
  6. Thanks for your reply. I guess I just want to be reassured we can survive for a few years! I don't expect the work/life balance to change, we both just like experiencing new things and trying new places. We currently only rent and have no children and feel now is the best time to do it we are going to go. I don't no how long my job will be on SOL, and we have a dog we need to take and oz just decr quarantine to 10 days so if going to go is a good time. Will we really be able to tell from a 2week holiday if its somewhere we want to live for the next few years?
  7. Hi - I am looking for some advice. I've always wanted to go to oz since leaving uni, and 4 years on still want to go. The dilemma I face is oz has always been the dream , but as of yet I've not managed to get over there myself. I am lucky enough with my partner to be able to go over on a perm residency visa - and i want to go, mostly due to an improvement in the weather, and to experience a different culture. The downside, mostly the flights, wildlife incl snakes, and the cost. What I would appreciate advice on is whether it is essential to visit first or just take the bull by the horns and go with a visa. My concern now is the thousands it will cost for us to fly over and stay, will pay for one of our visas at least. What do people think ...? thanks
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