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Everything posted by Andy2577

  1. my point exactly ! i dont see any point in doing a job half a dozen times ? the customers were getting annoyed with me being sent out all the time to their machines when they should have been sorted in the workshop and i totally agree with them but when i pointed this out to management they didnt want to know . Was so frustrated with the way the Australians work . I know one chap in the GC who will only employ english labour as he says he has had a bad experience with Australians being lazy and cant get out of bed in the mornings. Cant understand it myself ?
  2. When i did my vetassess two years ago the years of experience can be from any years when you first started full time employment as long as they totalled to the three but not sure that work experience qualifies so probably worth asking the question
  3. you will need more than detailed experience and a bank statement https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/189-/Skilled-Independent-visa-(subclass-189)-document-checklist#
  4. I flew Etihad business class and got 2 cases at 32Kg each and carry on at 15kgs
  5. pretty sure you cant , your best bet is to get in touch with the DVLA for 100% conformation but from what i understand you will need to take your class 1 + 2 over in the UK
  6. Yea i wont be going anywhere near that lot again thats for sure , only thing i did get out of it was i managed to meet some really interesting customers and some very useful contacts for when i start my business. The amount of people i talk to from Australia who say that on the whole Australians are a lazy breed is quite remarkable. The company i was working for even started hunting for staff in NZ, USA, Europe, UK so that in itself tells its own story . I agree you cant move up until you have been down , i have just put it down to experience .
  7. no because they already had a foreman in Griffith and i was foreman in Lake Cargelligo i.e not my staff ...aside from the fact they thought it best to ease me into the role nearer xmas so i could learn the role . The problem started when i was telling them off even though they werent my staff but nobody else was doing it and i was clearing up their mess !
  8. Hey Guys it has been a while since my last post but i thought i would share my experiences with you all . So just as a catch up for all of you that didnt see my last post , I have been granted my Residency and i have already activated it . SO.....last year i got head hunted by a John Deere dealer in NSW who were asking me to come and join them as a workshop foreman in Wagga. They were offering me sponsorship but i turned this offer down as i already had my visa started. I turned the job down as i was hoping to find a better job somewhere in QLD where i wanted to be . Then in March of this year i was again approached by the same dealer to become a workshop foreman in Griffith NSW . Having been granted my Residency visa in September of last year i now needed to activate it by the 16th June 2016 so i thought what the hell i will take them up on the offer (BIG MISTAKE !). So i had an online interview a month before i was due to fly out , it was a bit daunting as there were 4 people interviewing me all at once but all went well and they explained i would be a foreman in Griffith along side the other foreman and we would split the "Skilled staff" between us. So after the interview i was given a formal letter of employment . then 1 week before i was due to fly out they mentioned "you will also be a foreman in Lake Cargelligo" i thought ok . I asked if i would need to be at Lake for 8am start and if so would i get paid to travel as its a 2hr 45 min drive each way . They said no ! so i refused to go any further with the job unless it was sorted out some way. She later came back and agree'd to pay me double time for travel which i accepted. So the day arrived when i was due to fly out to Sydney , the plane ride was great and took most of my anxiety away. I landed in Sydney at 6am and went straight to my hotel for a good few hours kip . Next day i was back in the airport for the last leg of my journey into Wagga airport NSW. I landed in Wagga airport to be greeted by the woman on the other end of the emails i was sending who happened to be the human resources woman. After a brief introduction she escorted me to her car and we travelled to Wagga town centre . On the way she informed me of some new developments..... I would no longer be based in Griffith but in Lake ! now this wouldnt normally be a problem but i had already secured a house a few months prior in Griffith and paid rent in advance. The reason she told me was because "the other foreman has got the shits about you working there as well". I was less than impressed to say the least ! So months passed and i settled into the role but a few months in i realised that the so called "skilled staff" were all apprentices that had a good idea of what the job was but just couldnt be bothered doing it , they would spend time on there phone snap chatting each other in work time , if it rained they would sit in the canteen until it stopped so productivity was appalling . Where as i would be in the rain fixing machines , going out to jobs etc. They had machines that would come in for warranty work for gear box upgrades , now bare in mind some of these machines cost upwards of $600k each , brand new machines which havent even had a 1st service. So one day this machine comes in to the workshop for an upgrade on the gearbox which requires the machine to be split in half . I was there in the workshop for about 3 weeks (too long). The machine goes out to the customer once the gearbox has been upgraded and it has been put back together. Now this customer is suppose to be one of their biggest having spent $3m with them last year . Just 3 days after the machine was delivered back to the customer , the service department gets a phone call ....the owner himself had gone out on the machine for the 1st time after it had the upgrade and the exhaust fell off . Now normally you would laugh and would think ok its only an exhaust...... BUT what you dont realise is when it came off , the heat from the exhaust fumes had melted the engine wiring loom, brake lines,and a fire wall. Needless to say the customer was not happy ! So it was up to me to go sort it out , i went out to the machine and got a spray from the customer but as i explained to him i was not responsible for this but i re-assured him i would fix the problem. After replacing all the melted parts and re-attaching his exhaust i noticed several critical bolts that were missing on the engine and a number of safety guards. So i took photos on my phone and sent them to the branch manager, service dept,workshop and admin (per their company policy) . About half hour later the manager replied asking if these machines were checked before leaving the workshop (a job which was suppose to be checked by the workshop foreman in Griffith and the service manager in Griffith , and not by me as i was Lake foreman). The service manager said and i quote "i thought they were" . So I return to the workshop in Griffith only to be called into the office by the service manager who says these exact words to me " You know those pictures you sent ? well dont send them in future , send them to me and i will deal with the people responsible" now normally i would agree somewhat but you have to understand that this person does not like confrontation and has no spine ! he also went on to say " and dont tag the workshop in them either" when i asked why his response annoyed me ! he said "becasue it will hurt their feelings " .......I was speechless ! A few weeks passed and i tried to put it behind me but i was getting called out to more and more jobs where the workshop staff werent doing their jobs properly and towards the end i was doing four peoples jobs for them with no hint of relief or a pay increase. I went direct to the mannager and told him my feeling but he basically wasnt interested so i then went straight to the top and spoke to the company owner who again wasnt interested. So i took it upon myself after 3 months to hand my notice in . I was asked by the human resources woman to contact her which i did and after a lengthy conversation she said to me " well it has come as no suprise really as you are the 3rd highly skilled mechanic we have had leave in the last 12 months". So i was now left looking for another job ..... or so i thought . I was on facetime to my parents back in the UK and my mother said my father wasnt well and they had just sold a property and they were moving out but it was a struggle. I made a decision to get out of the house so i had a bond break and i shipped what little furniture i had back to the UK as i was unsure when i would be returning but i knew it wouldnt be NSW. I have been in the UK now for just over two weeks and i have already decided that Brisbane is the place i want to be , every time i go there i get a warm feeling like im home . My fathers health is up and down and he has been for tests but they have found out he has a very weak heart and would need either a pace maker fitting or a transplant, my mother is basically acting as a nanny for him at the moment and she is struggling . I have told them my feelings about returning to OZ and i plan to return just after new year for good this time . My parents are both behind me 100% and even though i have told them that i am worried about their health , they have basically told me not to put my life on hold for them and just go. I myself am 31 and my father is 72 and my mother 65 so i so feel like i should be here to look after them but they are insisting i go back to Australia and make a life for myself . I have plans of starting my own business in Brisbane , pretty much along the same lines as what i was doing in the UK so i am currently looking into Australian start up grants and government funding. I will probably work for someone in Brisbane for a while in the transport industry as a Heavy diesel mechanic until i have enough money behind me . I would like to meet up with fellow pomz when i get back out to Brisbane as i did find it a little homesick when i was in regional NSW . anyway if you have managed to read through all that well done :wink: I will try to keep you all updated as time goes on . Andy
  9. Morning folks Im back in the UK sorting my household goods out till the 19th before I fly out permanently to OZ but I have a question I would like to ask . I have rented a house near my work but it only has a small garage so i have limited space in which to store things. I know some of you are about to say put your stuff in a rental lock up if you cant fit it in your garage . I would agree with you there yes , however I am on a 6 month probation period with work and don't want to ship things out that I wont initially need as there is no point. After the probation period when I know I will be sticking around then I will ship everything out. My question is this ............ I will be shipping my car and some of my posessions such as household stuff, clothes, tools straight away but I was wondering if there is a set time limit for new people emigrating to ship their goods or is there a limit on containers ? sounds a daft question but I know I only have 6 months from permanently moving to ship my car and was wondering if the same applies for personal posessions ? Thanks in advance :smile:
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