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Posts posted by sameer123

  1. Hey PW1, u totally misunderstood. I may have asked more questions but my intention was just to get some help from somewhere. On my front, I m also trying hard to find jobs. I also have friends in OZ but all of them have told me to try hard to get job from the day u get PR as they said it takes a lot of time to search job after coming here, entire family including spouse, kids and parents also suffer. I may not get a job until I m in OZ, but atleast I want to give my 100% in job search. So don't tell me what to do. People who genuinely want to help provide suggestions.

  2. Hi, I vl be migrating to OZ in June. I am applying for IT jobs online since few months. I am a software engineer with 10+ years experience in Linux. Do u know any IT recruiters in OZ? Becoz applying on job sites isnt taking me anywhere..Can u guide me on this???????

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