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  1. 15 views and no replies? Anyone?
  2. Hi I need some advice. I am British, been living in Aus for 10 years. Hubby is Aussie. We met on holiday and I moved over here. We now have 4 children ranging in ages from 8yrs-16 months. we have always said we would like to go back to live but it has just never happened and now I think I really need to go back to try it. We don't have much family help here and it is hard dealing with the children by myself as hubby works long hours. Plus I want my family to know my children and get to spend time with them, my family are very involved with the children as far as they can be living half a world away whereas hubby's family (ie his parents) aren't. They live 10 minutes up the road and never contact us and they have only seen my eldest less than half a dozen times. So even though it will be a hard decision to leave I think that we will have a better quality of life over there as far as having support goes. We live in Inner Sydney and can only afford to rent, we will never be able to afford a house in this area. My children should be eligible for a British passport shouldn't they? What would we have to do for hubby to enter the UK? I thought he could enter but that he isn't allowed to work for 6 months or is this wrong? looking forward to your replies thanks
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