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Posts posted by centennial

  1. We have managed to get our visa 189 sorted and now looking to move to Australia. We are quite excited to leave UK weather behind but equally nervous for leaving our well settled job. I work as contractor with one Media giant as Developer in test (all sort of testing, technical & non-technical) and other half works as Java technical lead with tons of experience.


    We have no one in Australia but really struggling to get information about Australian job market. Its going to be big decision especially with 2 kids(1 & 5) so putting some questions here (please be gentle even if they are asked hundred times :))


    1. It is possible to get interview without moving there, by putting Australian number with call forwarding option ( or its not good idea ? )

    2. We are planning to move to Sydney with around £25k saving to survive initial period so any thoughts on that please.

    3. Anyone aware about any UK agency which recruits for Australia (placed booked for upcoming Australian job fair in London).


    Any other tip/advise/pointer will be really appreciated.

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