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Posts posted by Lotti22

  1. Hello, 

    If there is an ongoing medical condition which is stable, but requiring ongoing medication ongoing how does it affect visas? Obviously a medical is done... but ongoing treatment will be inevitable.  

    Is there a cost limit on medical treatment ? If so what is it or how do I find out? 
    If it goes above this does private medical insurance cover suffice? 

    There is a PBS list with prices but does this reflect what the government will pay or what the person pays after the government subsidise it? 



  2. Hi, 

    I’m looking into visa options - probably not even applying for several months but trying to get our ducks in a row beforehand. 

    Looking at the stats of the skilled 189 visa I’m starting to think the 491 is more realistic (skilled regional) as my points will only add to 80 for the 189, whereas they’ll be 95 for the new 491. 

    I’m a vet and ideally will move round and locum (I’m happy in regional areas - we don’t want to live in Sydney / Brisbane /Melbourne). 

    I guess I’m wondering if I get a NSW nominated 491 do I have to stay in NSW? Everything I’ve found online suggests as long as it’s regional Aus it’s ok. I will seek advice from a migration expert but just putting feelers out on here first. We are likely to apply for 191 PR in a few years so I don’t want to breach anything on a 491 visa!! 

    Any advice welcome! 



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