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Posts posted by BecWortho

  1. Hey Bec,


    Who is your CO?



    Thank You everyone!! I hope those feb applications that are still waiting will get theirs soon.


    It is worth noting that we emailed our CO on Monday and recieved an email from him Tuesday afternoon saying he had approved the VISA that day, straight after the grant letter came through.


    It is starting to seem like they are only granting when prompted by the applicant... IMHO


    Ellie I had DP.

  2. If anyone is over 8 months waiting and thinking that they shouldn't email their CO - DO IT NOW!!!!!


    I emailed my CO this morning at 8 months and 18 days to inform him of a change of address and ask politely how the application was going - to which he replied "Thank You"...he's never been much for replies but this one sent me over the edge. "Just give me something - please! I'm dying here!"


    I burst out crying...thinking that's it, something's wrong. Then, about 5 mins later, I notice a London phone number calling me. I nearly didn't answer I was so upset! But it was the CO on the line - "Would i like him to issue the visa today?" Erm, yes please!!!!!


    Just received it by email - I have it! I am so happy!


    8 months and 18 days later I got my PMV. Hope everyone who's waiting gets theirs soon! xxx



    Congrats Jo!!


    I also have DP, why do you think it was that he called you before emailing the grant? Could it be because of the time restrictions associated with the PMV?


    I'm trying to just wait out the week but that does worry me as the OH has changed his number since submitting. Saying that DP has never called us before he always emails.


    As I mentioned previously he told us that the visa would be granted in November, November 10th being 9 months, I was planning to wait only until next Friday to email him as we fly on the 1st and I want to make sure the OH's visa is granted ahead of time.


    We are both people obsessed atm checking his emails every 15-30mins lol. THIS IS KILLING ME!!!


    8 months, 19 days.

  3. What MaggieMay said, they should only contact the applicant or discuss with them. As the sponsor you are not on the application, its not a joint application, its for one person only and that is who they deal with. You are simply sponsoring them, you filled out your forms for that aspect, job done.


    I wasn't complaining I understand its DPA etc. I was also offering this as a reason that Ellie had not been emailed back.

  4. Hello everyone,


    I am a longtime lurker first time poster to this thread.

    Our visa timeline is as follows:

    Submitted online: 15/02/2014

    CO (VF) assigned: 19/03/2014

    Medical/police check submitted: 16/06/2014


    I am currently in Melbourne and my OH is in nottingham waiting for the visa. His life has been on hold these last 3 months just waiting for the visa to come, he's missed several job opportunities in australia and as I'm sure you all know its very frustrating. He has called Europe Services Centre twice now since we hit the 8month mark asking for a date when we can expect a decision to come through to book tickets and was told that all they could tell him was the 8-9month mark, when he asked to speak to our case officer they said we were not allowed to directly speak with them. I know several people here have commented how they have been in touch with their case officers and even know what office hours they work. When our case officer first contacted us it was through the general email. So my question to you is does anyone actually have a direct number for their case officer? and what has been peoples experience with VF? from previous comments she seems to be rather prompt at getting her visa done in a reasonable timeframe, but i feel like my emails are being ignored and the waiting is so excruciating.


    Hi Ellie


    You say your emails are being ignored? Did you email the general email address which was posted earlier today? My OH has emailed our CO 4-5 times using this email (and replying to the last email we received from him, so the subject line would be the same) and we have always heard back within 2-3 working days.


    Has your OH emailed your CO as well, I know that on one occasion that we did call no one would speak to me in regards to his application (This seems like a STUPID rule considering the visa we are applying for but what can you do!!) perhaps this is why you haven't received a reply?


    Fingers crossed for us all next week!!

  5. Matt19811981;1936625766]Good morning one and all,


    I am new to this forum but have been reading it for the last 6 months or so as i have applied for a subclass 309 visa. I applied on the 19th feb, all medicals done, police checks done, no probs with application and just waiting. We are now in our 9th month and am hoping that my visa is here soon so me and my partner can fly out by the end of the year. I suppose my question is 2 fold, one, has anyone else applied around this time and got their visa? our case officer is DP? secondly, some people have mentioned that they sent an email to their CO and this helped speed up the process, how did you email them? via the website? or replying to the email they originally send?


    Look forward to your responses...



    Hi Matt!!


    Coxy1804 and I both applied on February 10th, we are still waiting for our grants.


    My CO Is DP also, we emailed him around a month ago by replying to one of the emsils he had sent us and recieved a reply 2 days later. You can try emailing him for an update, my OH and I are trying not too as he pretty much gave us the go ahead to book flights for december 1st so we are just trying to be patient, whilst checking his email 10 times a day lol!!


    Fingers crossed we all get some good news this week!!

  6. Congrats Lozza! Fingers crossed for us next week Coxy!!


    I can relate, I have seen my Parents but not my brothers and sister or any of my other relatives in 5 years, my flights are book for 5 years to the day I arrived in the UK!!


    I have had so many great experiences here, I've had the opportunity to travel and build a career and experience so much but the homesickness has won out!! I miss my family!!


    The OH is equally excited tho as he sees this as a new chapter and an opportunity to change career and build a better life for ourselves!!


    But this waiting whole process has been a rollercoaster!! I want the grant so I can get off!! Haha :tongue:

  7. Carly not mine yet it was for mjmayo ... soon very soon I hope


    Today marks 8 months for us coxy1804... We are so close!!


    I am hoping for a sooner rather than later grant but I emailed our CO a few weeks back informing him that we are booking flights for Dec 1st (and asking if he could forsee any problems with this). The reply we received was that he intends on granting the visa in November, which I took as a green light to go ahead with flights.


    It is a relief to know that it's coming at least!!


    Congrats to everyone who has received their grants and those of you at the 9 month mark.. fingers crossed that your CO's pull theirs out!!

  8. My fiancé is already there so the wait is getting really hard. I love newy can't wait to move


    That must be really hard!! We made the decision to extend my UK visa at the same time we made our Oz application it was heart breaking to put off going home (it's been 5 years since i left and I haven't been back) but I am glad I stayed with my partner. All this waiting alone would be horrible!! Hopefully your grant will come through sooner rather than later!

  9. We got an email today from our CO saying currently visas are being approved on the 9th month mark. Was really hoping for the 8 months as dont want to get there so close to xmas. She advised not to book flights until its approved has anyone else been told this? Wondering if this is as she is unsure the nine month mark is going to happen.


    Oh No!! We applied same day as you Coxy!! I was really hoping it would be closer to the 8 month mark...

  10. Congrats NaomiSimone!! You must be so excited!


    TheEscapePlan and Sandyp you must be so frustrated!! 9 moths your application has been sitting in a pile what more could they need to do!! On the plus side though atleast you know the grant is coming so you can rest easy and start planning your trip, so far as even booking flights?? I would!! Get outta here before the winter sets in!!!

  11. Wow so happy for everyone who's grants are coming through!! It is 7 months on Wednesday for us... I thought that the time would drag but it has actually flown by.


    My CO is DP does anyone else have them??


    My partner and I were just discussing last night when the best time would be to inquire on the application status, is it best to wait until the 9 month mark or could we send off closer to the 8 month mark as the letter does say 8-9 months.


    I really want to be home by December 5th as my extended family have a weekend booked in Nelsons Bay, it would be so great to go as I haven't been home in 5 years!!


    Fingers crossed for a prompt grant!

  12. The visa website says the following when applying for a 309/100 visa:


    A permanent Partner visa can be granted earlier (ie it waives the 2 year temp visa) if either:


    when you apply, you have been in a relationship with your partner for more than three years, or more than two years if there is a dependent child of your relationship

    your spouse or de facto partner dies, the relationship would have continued if they had not died, and you have developed close business, cultural or personal ties in Australia

    the relationship breaks down and there is a child of the relationship for whom you share responsibility

    the relationship breaks down due to family violence

    your partner has been granted a permanent humanitarian visa, and before it was granted:

    you were married to them or in a de facto relationship with them and;

    you told us about the relationship.


    Just curious though - would you apply for the partner visa or the prospective marriage visa given your plans to marry in 2015? I am not sure how that changes the requirements but I am sure given the length of your relationship there shouldn't be any probs with getting a permanent visa over a temporary one.


    We chose to apply for the partner visa instead of the prospective marriage visa for two main reasons, 1 - It gives you a 9 month time frame in which to get married, 9 months, and " because from what I understand we would then have to apply for a very similar visa to the partner visa which really increased costs and seemed unnecessary considering we could just apply for this visa and get married whilst on it.


    Thank you for the info we have lived together the entire length of our relationship as we met whilst travelling so hopefully we will be given this option, I will get my bf to email the CO and find out!

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