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Posts posted by Kasia

  1. Oh wow, Thanks guys! you lot are amazing, thanks so much for helping, can't believe how quick you all are at replying :biggrin:


    So, we are applying for our VISA through my fiance who is an air con / refrigeration engineer (he needs some help to get sorted too but that is another thread!) He has his skills test at the end of March and then we just have our medicals - which if you saw my other post - I'm nervous about as I've just had a sporting accident and damaged the ligaments in my knee. I really hope its all sorted as I don't want to go into a medical exam on crutches….doh! I am currently a primary school teacher, Early Years is my passion although I am also a PE teacher specialising in gymnastics. Our migrant agent has not been very helpful with advice for me, gave me an email address to write to but I never heard anything back. I have since started a search on the web and came across you guys.

  2. Hiya!


    I would love some help / advice / anything at all to get me started on transferring my British BEd over to OZ. My family and I are a couple of steps away from completing our Visa and will be heading for the Gold Coast. We are all so excited but now the weeks are passing by I really need to find a job! I would be extremely grateful if anyone at all could help,


    Many thanks,


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