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  1. Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I think the other main issue is we have two kids fast approaching university age and both want to go. Without PR, I think Uni in Aus would be widely unaffordable as international student rates. Leaving them both here isnt something I am comfortable with. There are few and far betwen internation sponsored police recruitment for police officers and I would need to take drop in rank and go back on the streets as it where, so realistically, I dont think that's an option so close to my possible UK retirment age. So it looks like we are going to stay put until I retire in 5-6 years and both kids are adults and out of university. That will make me age 50-51. I don't know how long we can stay in Aus then as either temporary workers or just to travel, but it's something we will definitely look to do. Thanks everyone for the advice, and for those younger than us and thinking about it, don't wait to give it go! We had no choice as my son had cancer at quite a young age, thankfully he is well now, but it took us away from considering a move when we were at the right age.
  2. Yes me too Barbieshrimp, didn't get past paper sift. Thanks everyone, we will get advice and stay realistic .
  3. TBH we would settle for a temporary visa. I am a great believer in doing what is right at the time and if we could enjoy a few years in Aus or NZ and then review our options, that's OK. Thanks for reply.
  4. Thanks for reply, I suppose what I am asking is if there are any careers that don't take too long to train in and with the required experience can be done in 4 years that would count as skilled/professional. We are going to an immigration seminar on Sunday so hopefully will get a chance to speak with a visa specialist. Long shot I know.
  5. Good evening everyone, my husband and I have tried before to find a route to Australia, I am a police officer, but with 21 years experience, age 44 doesnt help and I havent managed to get a police job on international recruitment. My husband is leaving his job very soon and doesnt need to work, so I have suggested he goes back to college/uni and get some qualifications that might qualify him for a visa. Its an opportunity for a new career. He is a qualified trainer and specialist in CBRN response, which is not on the list! I am looking for sugestion on something he can qualify in which is in demand. He is 45 so time is running out for us. Any ideas?
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