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Posts posted by Wozziegirl

  1. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo!




    He got it! Hubby has had his visa granted and we're going home! :-)


    I was on Skype to my Mum and Dad in Oz when hubby walked in with the email. I am so happy I could burst! Actually, I am - well, my eyes are! They keep leaking because I am so very, very happy.


    Thanks everyone for your support and I hope this starts a new wave of grants coming through. @TheEscapePlan, you must be next... :-)


    Happy day! Happy, happy day!

  2. It's 271 days or 8 months and 28 days since we handed in Hubby's visa application.


    I naively (or optimistically!) thought that if we submitted a complete application so no additional information would be needed, the visa might be granted earlier than that 8-9 month quoted processing time. When we emailed our CO to update her on some family information and to check that the medical and police check had been received and all was OK, the reply was very short - do not contact her again until the 8-9 months have passed. That was almost 5 months ago and we've done as we were told. Again, I thought that if we did the right thing and not contact our CO, Hubby's visa might come through closer to the 8 month mark. Fat lot of good that's done us!


    So now here we are, just 3 days away from the 9 month mark and we're still waiting.... *sigh* :-|

  3. Well, in goes the application, payment and supporting evidence! Just waiting for the wife, my sponsor, now to finish her forms online this weekend. Absolutely gutted about the increase in processing times of up to 14 months. It's really thrown a spanner in the works for us, but nevertheless we'll manage.


    I can't help but feel that something is going to go horribly wrong haha.


    Welcome to the waiting game cch! We're at 8 months and 25 days of our quoted 8-9 month processing time. So, so close, but until we get that email with the grant we'll still worry that something is going to go wrong!


    Maybe today will be our lucky day....

  4. Does anyone know of a similar situation to this, or have any advice? I guess we probably aren't the only couple who have had this problem.

    Is the Case Officer able to refuse the visa if we don't have the 2 statutory declarations?


    Sorry if I've rambled on a bit, but I'm so worried that this could ruin our chances of getting the visa.

    Any help would be much appreciated.




    Hi Tedster


    We took the
    "If you are outside Australia and are unable to get an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident to complete a statutory declaration in support of your relationship with your partner, you may obtain statements from people who know you and your sponsor"
    and also supplied statements from non-Aussie friends and family in the UK. We gave them the '888' form to fill in and some got it witnessed by a solicitor, some didn't, and they supplied copies of their passports with it. Even though it couldn't be used as a Stat Dec, it made for a good template to get the information across about us as a couple. Whilst we're still waiting for the visa to be granted, we haven't heard anything from our CO saying the forms weren't acceptable. Hope that helps.


  5. Hi guys,


    I realise I have hardly been actively involved with this thread as of late but I just wanted to go on record as saying thank you to everyone who is involved with it because it has been a massive help and aid to me during my time waiting for the visa and imagining every case scenario under the sun where I don't get it - So it's been great to see the positivity that is often found here.


    But as the gods would have it, it has finally been granted and I am on my way come the end of the month. My application was recevied 3rd December and was granted 11th August so around the 8 months and a bit mark.


    Again thank you to everyone taking their time to answer questions and help where possible and the best of luck to everyone who is currently going through the process.




    Oooooh! We lodged our application the day after you so our grant can't be too far away now! Even typing that makes me smile :-) Congratulations Jason and thanks for the post.

  6. 8 months and 25 days later we FINALLY got the blessed email from our CO granting my partner his visa (PR) :cute:


    To say we are over the moon is an understatement. :jiggy:



    It has been a LOOOOOOOONG almost 9 months and the last few weeks have been rough, but getting to vent on here has been helpful and so has all the advice received. Cheers to everyone who helped me through.


    Now the heavy planning and action really begins (and hopefully my partner's potential job opportunity is still available).


    Good luck to everyone waiting, I will keep my fingers crossed that those of you close to or just over the 8 month mark will start to hear and the approvals the last couple of days means the ball is rolling again.


    (And the little bit of irony in all of this is today, one year ago, our two kids were granted Australian Citizenship by Descent! 12 August is a good day for our little family!)



  7. 8 months and 24 days!!! Just got the email that they are ready to grant my visa!! Happy days. I am in Australia so i need to go offshore to have it granted! If this helps anyone(!) I put in my visa application on nov 18th 2013, I left the UK 16th jan on a 12 month visitor visa needed to leave every 6months! In July I requested an extention until December so I did not have to leave every 3 months, which was granted. It's a pain in the bum that I can't work and annoying that I needed to leave every 3 months but I made it work. So happy that it's finally come through. Good luck everybody, it's been quiet on the visa grant front lately...so I hope this spurs people on a bit...you will get it ...soon. Keep being patient, it will pay off x


    Hooray! That's wonderful news glowie and hopefully means that amdaloia and the rest of us at the 8-9 month mark aren't too far behind you.

  8. "unfortunately we have not reached the point of granting visas lodged after 15 Nov"


    Hmm. Methinks someone might be telling you a porky. I just remembered Emmie2010 from a wee while ago - application lodged 28 Nov 2013 and visa granted 23 Jun 2014, just under 7 months later! I was so excited when I read her post given ours was submitted less than a week later, and I'd been hopeful we might get ours early too.


    I wonder who Emmie2010's CO was and how they managed it?

  9. Well folks it isnt great news for us and the wait continues......we have just had an email from our CO (that went missing from last week - it took them all week to resend it to me despite me asking for it to be resent at the start of this week) and they have said there is no possibility of us getting the grant early (despite my partner needing it to secure an employment opportunity that now looks like it will no longer be available to him because of the delay) as they say "unfortunately we have not reached the point of granting visas lodged after 15 Nov" and even after asking her supervisor to expedite the approval for us (by a whole 2 weeks) she was told it is not possible. Our CO says "you should probably be looking at a few more weeks" (which takes us to the 9 month mark and possibly beyond) before the approval is likely to come in.




    *sigh* Oh man! That's pants! You poor things. It's not like you're asking for them to hand over their first born! Sheesh! What the heck is going on?! 'Not reached the point of granting visas lodged after 15 Nov' - eh? What's all that about? And it's not like they'd really have been expediting your visa - after all, you're closer to the 9 months than the 8!



  10. I am so sorry to hear about your parents ill health :( I cant imagine having to go through this process and having the added stress of ill family that you just want to get home to asap! Is there anyway you can stress this to your CO and ask for extenuating circumstances for an early approval? Surely they must have some sympathy towards situations like this (even if your parents have other carers/family on hand you want to be there for them).


    I know my partner doesnt want to book any flights or make any definitive plans until we have that visa in hand as he needs to talk to the company in Adelaide who said they will hire him (if work available) once the visa comes through and only once we have the visa so that adds to the stress of waiting for us. If he can get work then we will move almost asap but if not then we are likely to stay here for a few extra months until the new year (bummer!) so we are in a slightly different situation than some and even though I am doing what I can to stave off the impatient waiting feeling (sorting clothing, sorting paperwork, reducing our personal items etc) it just doesnt seem like its any different to me doing a big spring clean.


    Mind you I think the big thing is I am homesick and have been for a good couple of years so the visa approval cannot come quick enough and the waiting is adding to my homesickness. I want to go home and I want to see my family and have them spend time with the kids (they dont get family interaction here as my partner had a massive falling out with his folks and we dont see them anymore) and I want to get on with our life.


    I dont have any doubts that we will get the approval but until it is in hand there is always this little nagging feeling of "what if".


    Good luck to you with yours and hopefully you get it early and can get home to your family quick smart :)


    Thanks. :-) My Dad thinks he's never going to see me again and it's hard not to think like that, but knowing (well, hoping) the visa will come through soon is keeping him going. In his last email to our CO Hubby mentioned about my Dad so she is aware of our situation, although that was back in early April. All our CO said in reply was not to contact her again until the 8-9 months had passed. Hopefully we won't have to bother her before the visa is granted. We don't want to do anything that might hold back the grant for even a day!


    Even though our situation is different to yours we're in the same boat of not being able to book anything until the visa is issued because of work. The silly thing is, the sooner hubby has his visa, the sooner he'll be taking his work with him to Australia and paying tax there and he won't be taking a job from any Australian. It's a win-win for Australia! We've spent the past 10 years saying 'this'll be our last Christmas in the UK'. It's been a long time coming and I just want to go home and start our life in Australia together. I even tear up at the thought of seeing my family again after 10 years apart!


    I hope your plans work out so that you can get home this year. With tomorrow being your 8 month mark hopefully we'll be seeing your visa grant post very soon :-)

  11. We hit the 8 month mark of waiting this Friday and all I can say is that it is soooooo much harder in the latter waiting stages than in the beginning. Just the fact that I cant arrange anything specific, do anything definitive or make plans for anything and am stuck in limbo is seriously doing my head in. I want to get on with things and start preparing for our life in Australia but until that darn visa confirmation comes through we are just waiting, waiting, waiting and not really living.


    How do people deal with it?


    And the knowledge that there is no guarantee the email will be received on Friday is even worse. Knowing our luck it will be well past the 8 month mark and closer to the 9 month one :(


    Sorry to be so negative, just feeling it all at the moment and needed to vent a little.


    Yep, know the feeling amdaloia. Hope your vent helped. :-) We're at 7 months and 10 days into the quoted 8-9 month wait and the closer we get the slower the days seem to go. Each day we try to do something that's going towards us moving home. It could be cleaning and packing things that we'll be shipping or getting a bag of unwanted stuff ready for the charity shop or freecycle. Even sorting paperwork so it's ready to shred once the visa has been granted - it's all things that'll need to be done. We just want to make sure that when the visa does come through we're not holding ourselves up from going home. I'm praying it comes through soon though. My Dad is in very poor health and now my Mum has kidney failure so Hubby's visa really can't come soon enough.

  12. I got it!! Received email today. Subclass 100!

    So happy right now took just over 7 months


    WOOHOO! Congratulations! What a happy day for you and your family. I've been counting down to the 8 month mark - only 42 sleeps to go - in the hope my hubby's visa will be granted around then but with yours taking 7 months hopefully ours will come sooner too. I wonder what chocolates our CO likes..... :-)

  13. Hi,


    I just wanted to add a contribution to this thread as I have followed it for information myself over the last few months and thought this information my be of interest to some of you guys.


    I was granted my subclass 100 visa last wednesday 11th June. I submitted my application in London on 11th November complete with police checks and completed my medical on feb 11th as instructed.


    So the process for me seems to be complete in exactly seven months - throughout I was quoted 9 months, and based on what I've read in this forum expected this to be the case.


    I've no idea why we seem to have received our grant so quickly - the only thing I can think of is that I never at any point attempted to contact my case officer, except to confirm receipt of the medical (i did read a thread from someone suggesting this some time ago) - so perhaps this counted in my favour? Who knows!


    In any case - good luck everyone else waiting, can't be long now.


    Congratulations! 7 months is a great result and gives those of us still waiting the hope that it might happen sooner rather than later for us too.


    Who was your CO?


    The bit about not contacting them is such a tricky one. We emailed ours to check that the medical was all OK and was told it'd been referred. When we replied to ask why, the email tone changed to snippy and she said not to contact her again until the 8-9 month mark! We hadn't even asked anything about waiting times, just the medical! Apart from our replies to the emails that she'd sent us at the beginning, we'd only emailed her the once so it's not like we'd been hassling her.


    Hubby ended up phoning the place that did the medical and they said he'd passed and that all was fine so at least we know nothing nasty showed up in his test results. We're just none the wiser as to why he's been referred or what'll happen next.

  14. ADMIN NOTE: Please note that Craig (Kakimoto) no longer works at Iron Chef/Iron lady if you have any car shipping enquiries Kristian user name @Iron Chef will be more than happy to continue assisting. If you have been dealing with Craig and you are wanting to bring your car over please drop Iron Chef a pm or email he can be found on this thread or here: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/members/44908.html


    Thanks very much for this post The Pom Queen!

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