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Posts posted by dewi

  1. Hello all at pomisoz


    Are ImmiAccount and Skillselect 2 seperate accounts?


    as I have been invited to apply for my 189 visa but I am having major trouble accessing my skillselect account to apply for it, when I attempt to log in it just takes me back to the home page,


    I can log in to my immiaccount but it has nothing about my 189 visa on there,


    my 60 days to apply are slowly but surely running out


    any help on this greatly appreciated


    thanks, kirk summers


    Hi there,


    What happen to me was, there was a link in my skill select screen that confirm my application for visa. Then i confirm and do my payment.


    Only then the details appear in immi acct (after payment).... Dont know abt the others , but thats what i did..

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