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Jaclyn Hayes

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Posts posted by Jaclyn Hayes

  1. Aww Jaclyn that's fab news bet you are doing to happy dance.... So when you off then, do they give you a time to go or is it in the 6 mths mark, I think I would go the next day if I could lol x

    I hope it does come through early! Looking at going the end of November. The police check and medicals are valid for 12 months and you have to activate the visa before they expire, so add long as it's before next April.

    I'll keep you posted! Xx

  2. lol! Hopefully I will become distracted by selling our house and all the other bits that come with moving to the Southern Hemisphere! Not that we've even dared start down that track yet! Thankfully we aren't in a complete rush but my hubby is looking forward to going home after what will be 9 years in the UK!


    Good luck with your move JonnoM and have a fab wedding.

    Hi Pookie72, here are the rest of the details from me, CO... DP, spouse visa 309/100.

    Thanks for the list, good idea. Like that I'm finally heading up to the top of the list! Woop woop! Xx

  3. Hi everyone I've been silently following this thread for a while now and have been noticing a lot of people who have applied well after my partner and I getting approved...


    I'm starting to get a little concerned now.


    Applied one 8th July 2012 and our original assigned CO was AW.


    Our final info request was submitted within a week or two upon it being at the start. Medicals and police checks were submitted with the initial submission.


    Last we've heard was on the 16th of March 2015 - we were reassigned our CO to DP and were simply told this would NOT impact our processing time.


    I can't seem to notice anyone else with either of these CO's. We also fall into the 9 month application bracket... in a couple days it will be 11 months.


    Would love to know what is taking so long =/

    I have DP... We are using an agent therefore everything goes through the agent first but they assure me that everything is going fine. Applied 6th October last year. So I'm hoping to be granted in August. Good luck. X

  4. That's what I thought but good to hear, thanks for info ?

    Hi Jen44,

    I too was worried about our application. In a committed relationship with my Aussie partner for 6 years but only moved in together 14 months before I sent my application. I was worried that we wouldn't have enough evidence to submit as my name only appeared on few household bills etc. But our agent sorted everything and said that she wouldn't submit our application until she was 99% positive it would be approved. We are almost 8 months in now, medicals and police check submitted and I still feel a little pang of worry although I know everything is legitimate and we'll under way. Good luck.

  5. I got a phone call from my CO asking me to confirm our planned wedding date (11-Nov-2015), followed by the grant email about 5 minutes later.

    It has been a long wait (9 months and 6 days) but at long last, I can make definite plans for flights, shipping of possessions, farewell visits, closing down my UK life etc

    Australia here I come :cool:

    That's great news JonnoM, wish you the best in your new life down under! P.s. keep posting, any info on living down under will be greatly appreciated!

  6. Throwing this question out into the arena - how far in advance did people book their medicals for the date provided by their CO?


    And did anyone book their medical slightly earlier than was requested? I've been told after 15 May, but I actually have that day off work and was thinking to book it for then. Otherwise I will have to wait a week to have my medical and I don't want to delay the process anymore than necessary. Does anyone think it makes a difference to your grant time if you delay the medical slightly later than asked? (Obviously your medical date affects your visa validation date).



    I was told I could book my medical from 16 th April. Booked it at the end of Feb, for 17th April in Manchester. Xx

  7. Hi there,


    we we ended up submitting paper application in October 2014 and got an email with acknowledgment within 2 weeks, providing details for what to do ... Ie. Arrange medical for partner after 29/04/2015. We then had a whole chunk of our original documents returned at some point in November and we haven't heard anything since! :)


    think it really is just a waiting game after that!


    Good luck with your application.

    Hi lollipop1804,

    You're roughly the same as me...

    Application lodged on 6th October 2014, medical/police check on 17th April, not heard anything from really. I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard!

    When and where are you looking at going?

  8. Will be 9 years in May...but until you have actually been granted you always have some doubt....I suppose its to protect yourself in-case of worst case scenario. This forum has been a God send, once you get your head around the fact that the visas are pretty much granted in sequence, it becomes much more bearable.... good luck to you and thank you for your kind wishes.

    Super excited now, if the sequence follows suit that means I could have my visa in August! Totally agree, the forum is great (only have a slight obsession with it)!!!!


    God luck with the rest of your Aussie dream. [emoji2]

  9. Hi, it's such a hard call, because if you sell up too early and ship anything it'll be sat in a warehouse somewhere collecting charges whilst you are sofa surfing around friends and families homes back here. Or, you delay selling upand are sat here waiting for the paperwork to complete. Given my neighbours situation, it took them less than a week to find a buyer for their house, but almost six months for the sale to complete. I think after Easter I am going to make enquires with estate agents and get some advice. It would just be so much more helpful if we were just given a grant date to work towards!!

    I totally agree. We had the estate agent out last week, think we will put it straight on the market after my medical. Also had crown relocations out last week, they advised packing up in July if we wanted our furniture in Oz for December! That doesn't give us long to sell the house! Grrr... ?

  10. In the same boat too, my medical is due mid May. We were originally hoping for October/November arrival when we applied but then had the 10-14 month wait surprise sprung on us. We haven't booked any flights yet and we can't decide when to sell up as we don't want to be homeless if it takes the full 14 months! Hard decision to make, wait it out and plan on the worst case scenario of 14 months or pack up, sell up and go on a tourist visa, ready with a side trip when the visa is issued (hoping it is issued! Though I can't see this being an issue!)

    Going to have to decide this all very soon....

    We are going through the same decisions at the minute. Got my medical in 4 weeks time but we don't know what to do with our house. Put it on the market now or wait?! It's hard, although we wouldn't be stuck on having somewhere to live. Hoping to be away early December! ???

  11. Hi , new the forum. Lodged my 309 application on 23rd September 2014. Got my Medicals next week! I know it's a hard question to answer but the wait time for me is the current 10-14 months but I think I applied shortly after they introduced this new waiting time. Judging from what iv read and people have been getting there's around 9 months would I be a little optimistic to think I could get mine around the 10-11 month mark?

    Hi, I'm in the same boat as you too. I applied 13 days after you. My medicals are in April. I'm trying to stay positive and hope they are feeling generous and issue the visa in 10 months!

  12. 100 baby!! We just got the email through. I'm crying like a baby. That's six years, two countries and five visas of pain over! We can finally get on with life. It's hard but my god I've never felt this relief! Good luck everyone, before you know it, it will all be over. Thankyou for all the support you've given us xx

    Oh wow, well done folks! How long did it take to come through?! Xx

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