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Posts posted by Paednurseclaire

  1. Hi all, we're just in the early stages of applying for our visa and was wondering when you apply to ANMAC do they send you a specific checklist of documents to be certified? Also can they be done with one certification if you catch my drift instead of individually?


    Hi joe and Carrie. In regards to ANMAC, yes I recall having a tick box sheet with lots of information that you need to send and it gives you information on what needs to be certified. I can't quite recall if I downloaded it or whether ANMAC sent it to me. (I think ANMAC send it after you had done your initial application) But is a couple of sides of A4. In regards to certifying documents, each one needs to be certified individually. I had mine done in a local court with a JOP. I had to do mine in front of a full court, so brace yourself for that, I certainly wasn't expecting it, it's not a day I will forget! Ha! The process was all straight forward really, the only thing that I had to resend was my reference from my employer, mine did not contain enough information about day to day tasks e.g obs, dressings, medication adminstration basically everything that's a given and would not usually go in a reference.

    Hope this makes sense and has been of some help

  2. I doubt very much AHPRAs assessment will change afterall many overseas applicants withdegrees from their countries have been doing the bridging program for years. Australian nurses have to do the bridging courses if they have left to have a family and have not worked for 5 years (which is nothing, and another story.)

    There is no major nursing shortage and therefore no pressure to import nurses, just some specialties are short of experienced nurses.

    You guys however are probably making aware to many, a very big loophole and ANMC AHPRA disparagy and most likely ANMAC (btw, no nurse applicant has reported on forums to have ever had negative assessment) will change or Immi will stop giving IO out without nursing registration. Or nothing...

    I would not hold your breath on changes to AHPRA assessment.. Some of the tweets to AHPRA I would imagine, are not doing your cause any favours.



    Very experienced senior nurses with numerous qualifications and extensive CPD qualifications are currently in limbo or have been refused registration by ahpra. They have been misinformed and we are all frustrated that ahpra are looking at the word diploma rather than the course content. We are trying to convey to ahpra that registration should be about more than a piece of paper. Your right ahpra may not change but that does not mean we don't have a valid argument. I am not in a position to apply for ahpra as yet, but I am 100% in support of my fellow nurses .

  3. Morning all

    I have heard back from ahpra overnight, in regards to anmac not being allowed to forward documents to ahpra anymore. They want it directly from the applicants to ensure the integrity of both the source and the documents to protect the public?! No real explanation as to the changes just a lot of words that I can see straight through:err:

  4. As I understand Hollie there are some nurses who have dip he with top up degree that have been given registration, however ahpra reiterate time and time again that all applications are viewed on an individual basis. There is another thread what's happening at aphra - yes spelt wrong, Lots of info on there, ahpra are also on twitter so you may want to read some of their recent tweets. Hope this helps and best of luck :))

  5. I have been lucky enough to get the golden email today with my letter of eligibility from AHPRA.

    My background is having a BA Nursing Studies & BSc Hons Specialist Community Public Health Nursing.


    However, after 20+ years of nursing alongside colleagues who's training ranged from the old modular training through to masters level I am deeply saddened that highly trained, highly experienced, dedicated & intuitive nurses are not perceived to be 'good enough'. I will continue to support everyone on here & it's from the bottom of my heart that I hope you are all successful in knocking down & destroying the large barrier AHPRA have erected on your path to Oz xx


    Brilliant, well done :))

  6. I feel for you guys but the whole reason aphra have done this is due to the job situation out here for nurses. There aren't even enough jobs for the Aussie nurses newly qualified and existing nurses so adding migrant nurses to the mix would just exacerbate the problem. There are Aussie nurses out here who are equivalent of diploma whom are registered also that's life, boards can change standards as they wish that's called progression same as in uk with project 2000 you could not wipe out all nurses who were registered under the old system. I think rather than wasting time and clutching at straws why not do the top up to degree or bridging program if you are really desperate to go to



    If there are enough nurses then immigration should admit it and should remove it from the skills list, it is unreasonable for one body to say our dip he is equivalent to a degree and another to say it is not especially when they are using the same framework. As a nurse I think we all know about progression which is right and how it should be but this is unfair. I have read many conflicting reports as to the job situation in Aus and would never want to take jobs away from the Aussie nurses, however when you have invested time effort and not to mention money in realising your Aus dream then I think we will continue to argue our case. A lot of us dip he are band 6's and 7's in the UK with highly specialised jobs and would only be an asset to any healthcare provider as well as a mentor to newly qualified nurses. Don't get me wrong I have a plan B, but for now I'm happy to continue to "clutch at straws"

  7. True, but that goes to show what a double standard this new criteria is!


    Do not wish to jeopardise the registration of fellow dip he currently in oz but surely if dip he does not meet the national law (53b) which is consistently quoted by ahpra, then how can there registration be renewed if they are now not working within the national law. I have heard that dip he nurses have had there registrations renewed whilst this fiasco has been ongoing. I feel another tweet coming on :confused:

  8. Hi everybody,

    This is for those of you who have been assessed by ANMAC, or are already in Oz, suffering by not being able to work. It appears that only healthcare professionals have to prove themselves 3 times over, ANMAC, AHPRA and NMBA. In other professions the skills assessment is enough. I think for those of us who have gone through.visa process, we need to take another course of action, and talk to immigration? There is an MP for immigration, Scott Morrison, and I'm sure he won't be too happy at the thought of immigrants given visas because of their profession, moving to Oz then being refused the right to work! Especially as nurses remain on the SOL list for ALL states! But we need strength in numbers. Those of you at the moment suffering real personal hardship,and many have posted on here, you need to share your plight with him! But he's not going to pay attention to one or two emails! He needs to walk into loads to understand the scale of this! As I've said before, the disparity between ANMACs assessment of us at AQF7 (which reading it, is correct) and AHPRA's assessment of us at AQF5 or 6, is the huge problem, we as UK nurses have one of the toughest training courses in the world, and the NMCs commitment to ongoing professional development, means we are more than able to work as nurses anywhere, AHPRA have taken it down to the piece of paper we leave Uni with, probably as they see it, to bring it line with the UK, but the UK haven't stopped all the diploma nurses from working, so why should Oz? We need to make someone higher up listen! Maybe mention PIO forum, he'd just need to read this thread to understand the situation!

    Good luck to all.


    Well said....get on your emails people :)) once I've got my LOD from ANMAC, he will be my first email. Us UK nurses will not go quietly

  9. It may be worth writing to these people as it looks like they have something to do with the accreditation of of health professionals?


    Ms Katy Gallagher MLA


    Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council

    PO Box 1020

    Canberra ACT 2600




    Governance Committee

    National Registration and Accreditation Implementation Project

    PO Box 2089

    Woden ACT 2606


    Thankyou everyone who is fighting for our cause, every letter, email, tweet may help.......we can not just lay down and let APHRA make this ridiculous decision. With TRA saying the AQF framework is assessed by ANMAC then we really must have a case. Surely legally this can't stand up?!?! Keep fighting everyone and good luck!!



    Good research

  10. HI Everyone staying up late tonight to phone Ahpra to find out what stage my application is at! I know this call will be a complete waste of time but I am at the end of my tether, being in limbo land is awful!!! I know I havent been waiting as long as some of you on here, but I have sold my house (moved back in with my parents)paid for my visa and need to know whether I need to apply to uni for September intake to top up to degree. My poor husband has gone to sea (merchant navy) hoping this is his last trip and was looking forward to handing in his notice and being in Oz for xmas, if I dont register with Ahpra he will spend another xmas away from our kids. Like many on here we have been planning this for over 5 years saving & then Ahpra change their criteria, Im so sorry just need to rant now & let of some steam sooooo frustrated but know deep down I will be back at uni in september. I just wished Ahpra had given us some kind of warning last year!!!!


    Good luck, hope you get some positive news. Keep us posted

  11. Another point (while I'm on my soap box) the new model is apparently consistent with requirements of national law. When you click on this link it brings up all the health practitioner regulation national law for each state - all of which are dated 2009 - 2010. So if the national law has not changed where exactly have they founded these changes?!

  12. The course last 12 weeks, but some with diploma are not even being offered this, and being refused outright! That's the most worrying thing! But it is an insult to say our 3 year university course compares to the 18 month Australian equivalent! I am living with a constant feeling of sickness, house sold, PR visas in hand, flights booked, and the very real possibility I won't be able to work a nurse, which is the very reason they gave me a visa!


    This is outrageous and I'm very grateful not to be that far along in the process! Really feel for you and your family:// Just in limbo at the moment stalking twitter and forums and ahpra website for any news.

  13. Paednurseclaire, can't you do the remaining modules to complete your degree? I did mine through work so it was free! Only need 90 credits for bsc degree or 120 with honours! Your already half way! It's the most awful situation to dump on folk with no warning, everyone has invested so much in the process up to now, it's sooooo unfair! Dies anyone know exactly how long the bridging course lasts? I've read varying lengths, some 3 months. I'm just keeping everything crossed this whole thing comes together for everyone!!


    Hi bouncy I'm looking into this but would still take a long time and my work will not fund it :/ waiting to hear back from a few universities. Just fearful that in the meantime ahpra could move the goal posts again

  14. I have been on there website and looked at this I've looked at the difference between the AQF 6 and 7 and the word that keeps cropping us is coherent?! I've been nursing for nearly 10yrs and would class myself as pretty coherent! It's barmy that two organisations can assess the same qualification against the same criteria and cannot agree!

  15. Hi bouncy hopefully you should be fine if you topped up to your degree, that must equate to the aqf level 7 at least. We sold our Uk home to fund the PR visa, thought I might fail on the medical, turns out it was registering as a nurse in oz that would've the sticking point! :/ does anyone think they may revert back to accepting dip HE? Are there enough nurses in Oz and that's the root course of the change?

  16. Hi everyone I been keeping a close eye on poi and twitter, it's an absolute desperate situation and as clear as mud! I've no idea which direction to take, ANMAC is currently going through. Ielts completed. I'm a paeds nurse with a dip he with 45 credits at degree. I've looked to topping up my dip he, but takes a long time and costs a lot of money, other option, if I'm offered it is the bridging course but I assume it will be very adult based, costs a lot of money and will I even pass it?! Anyone in a similar situation? Hope you all get a positive outcome

  17. Oh no! Not been on here for a while, currently waiting on ANMAC. I've got a Dip HE Children's Nursing with 9yrs experience, have got 45 credits at degree level but have not topped up fully to the degree. Has anyone with a dip he only been refused registration as yet?! Is my oz dream over before it's begun?? :cry:

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