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Posts posted by Shellybingobingo

  1. The sausages are rank lol ya can get British sausage from pommie shop though but dearer ! Bacon is rank aswel carnt explain but it's rank lol :) very bland to me and I don't like chicken salt grose ! Me kids like chicken salt though each to its own I suppose :)bacon tastes like rubber x

  2. Im pretty sure in the UK a provisional license is the same as a learner license. If you go to Australia you will get a learner license but being 25 you won't have to do the log book of driving hours due to your age.




    Hi yes yes a provisional in uk though u carnt drive on ya own without someone sitting with u who can drive , that's what I'm confused about ....so here u can have a learners like a provisional and drive if u r 25 anyway with no one in the car with u that's what I'm getting confused with well not confused I just think it's mad ....lol ....but then nothing surprises me anymore haha :)

  3. You can transfer your overseas licence to a Queensland licence of the same class. If it equates to a Queensland Provisional licence, I'm pretty sure you will get a P2 Provisional licence ('green' Ps) on which you can drive alone with very few restrictions. Because you're 25 and have held the licence for 5 years, it's possible that you may go straight onto an Open licence.



    he hasn't passed his driving test though in uk on a provisional ...my lad passed three days before we emigrated still had to go on his p plates here ..I mean provisional is when u haven't passed ya test :):)

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