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  1. <p><p>Hey, just wanted to share some advice. I first came over to Oz when I was 16 on a student visa (through and exchange programme), when I left aged 17 I vowed that I would come back to live here permanently. I finally made the move last year, 11 years later. In those 11 years I visited twice more, once on a tourist visa and once on a WHV. What I'm saying is this, don't try and rush, if it's meant to happen it will, Australia isn't going anywhere. Plus at the moment things over here aren't much better than in the UK, I've been here since October and still haven't found a permanent job, sure the weather is a lot better but that's not going to help when you need a roof over your head or food :-) My advice: get as much experience as you can, and then decide if Oz is still what you want and definitely do not rush in to a relationship with someone just because they might be able to help you get a visa</p></p>

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