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Everything posted by Rachandian

  1. Thanks for replying. So we really are unsure if he will pass the English test . This is so hard . Is 65 points not enough for a skilled visa ?
  2. Keen to know this also . We have a ltd with 2 properties in and unsure what we would need to do if we move
  3. Hey guys , So my partner is 39 - he's 40 in April. He's a skilled fabricator /welder . He gains 65 points (age getting us down ) Am I right in saying we can do his skills assessment and put in our EOI in whilst working towards the English test ? He's not academically clever and we have read how hard it is so will need to study . Given He's 40 in April it really doesn't give us much time . Any information on what we need to provide for the skills assessment would also be beneficial. We have been in touch with his employer he worked for on Aus in 2014 and they will gladly give him a reference too . Thankyou
  4. It's so hard . He's now age 7 we are 37 and 39 and Aus still had this hold on us. We took our son there for 1 month when he was 2 YO and loved it I've no idea what's to do for the best x
  5. Hello again , I am back !! NEAR 8 YEARS later .... Now with a 7 year old . We want to go back .. we are now near 40 but both on the skilled list . Eeeekkkk!!!
  6. How long did your process take and what cost . I know you have 5 years to use the visa so im thinking its somthing we should look into
  7. Ahh brilliant. In 2014 we did have the opportunity to be sponsored. However the company wanted us to pay . Our little one will be 3 this year too! How have your family been with you moving?
  8. Ahh amazing ! How old are your little ones ? Will you be trying to get a sponsorship and then try to get residency there ? We are 33 and 35 this year . I think i need to make a plan
  9. oh really that's good to know. Is there an age limit on a skilled visa >? My partner is a boilermaker / pipe fitter and im a hairdresser by trade
  10. I can totally understand . I am pining to be back there myself but my partners business here is going too well and we now have a toddler. Maybe its something to think about for in a few years for us. However, id imagine a lot more rules will be in place . Im defiantly feeling it this week. It was 5 years ago today we left to start our working holiday visa for a year . Wouldn't it be great hey if close family members could and would come there too ..Forever lol
  11. Im not too sure how it works with having a dependant now? It must happen to a lot of people really. The thought of living there gives me this feeling in my stomach I cant describe lol
  12. So , we travelled to Australia in 2014 on a working holiday visa and had the best time ever both worked for 10 months as we both have skilled trades . We could of got sponsored but never as it was going to cost us 7000 odd (I know it shouldn't of ) plus we were 29 and 31 and wanted to have a child. We came home had our baby and then visited with him last year for 1 month and travelled from Brisbane to Melbourne . I am now however really really missing the way of life there. The only reason we are still in UK is for family. I can imagine this is the reason for a lot of people. I just wondered if theres anyone else been in this situation and longing for the aussie life ;-(
  13. Thank you everyone for your replies. I suppose we will give it a few months here but deep down I know I should of taken the opportunity in Australia Thanks again
  14. Me and my partner have just returned to UK from an amazing year in Australia. We settled in Melbourne, both worked and loved the lifestyle. We are 28 and 30 and were both offered sponsorships as we have trades. (We would of had to pay the company back) . We decided financially we would be better off in the UK. We already have a home here but we have it rented out. Since being ring back in the UK, I'm missing Melbourne! The food, the coffee the sun and how relaxed it is and spacious ! Deep down I know our families don't want us to return to Australia but we don't know what to do for the best. When I was there I missed family,up until I knew our flight was booked home. Then I was ok and didn't want to come back. We are at the age now for children and we just don't know what to do. I don't think I could have children and then take them away from family. I thought I would post on here and seen what everyone's opinion is . Thank you
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