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Everything posted by Sasjowatson

  1. Thank you, I thought as much but just read something on here that made me just want to double check. Makes sense really just don't want to have to pay out £2.5k if it wasn't needed. His lowest ielts was 8 and highest was 9 so think he should get the full 20points. Thank you I appreciate the speedy response x
  2. Hi guys, husband has recently done the IELTS test and scored 8.5 and I'm now wondering if we HAVE to have the VETASSESS his skills/qualifications. He is 32 - 30points ielts 8.5 - 20points in his current employment 12 years - 15points so he gets 65 points without having the trade assessed but does he need this before submitting EOI and to go through on the skilled independent visa? Thank you x
  3. IELTS passed score 8.5! Now to crack on with VETASSESS!!!x
  4. Hi, we're not trying to make changes it's a new application. It says this on the home page x
  5. Hi guys, just gone onto tradeSET to do the self evaluation so we can apply to VETASSESS and it is coming up with this message: Dear TradeSET User, Under a recent update to TradeSET the login function has been removed. If you have started but not finalised a TradeSET report, you will not be able to access your unfinished report. Instead please complete a new, streamlined, self evaluation to get a TradeSET report. Trades Recognition Australia Skills Mobility and Asian Connections Branch Department of Industry Phone 1300 360 992 Fax 61 2 6290 8780 http://www.industry.gov.au/trA can anyone help as to where I should be going to access something!! I've searched all over! thank you x
  6. Thanks again!!! I will do that, I'm not overly bothered about a well paid job etc esp for the first few years as I have 3 kids (one 7weeks old and one 18months) so I'd be looking after them really to start with. Do u have children? What is it like finding childcare? Think I'd just like a part time job, responsibility free to start with so maybe nursery work etc. do u think I would get a job doing something like that?x
  7. Thank you for that it is helpful and it is QLD we are looking at moving to. Do they recognise the pgce teaching qualification?? It's a difficult one cos with the student loans n bursary if get here to do the pgce would really help n not sure I'd get that in oz. what jobs could I get (if u don't mind me asking) and what kind of pay xx thank you so much for your replies x
  8. Thanks, prob best if I stick wait until I'm over there as a permenant n then take it from there x
  9. Thank you for that. In your opinion would I be better doing my extra year before I come out or while I'm in Oz. also is it worth me getting the qualification assessed, would that need doing before I could get a job at any level or would the employer make a decision on the qualification?x
  10. Hi guys, advice, help and comments would be appreciated. i achieved a 1st class BA (Hons) degree in childhood studies in 2011. Since then I fell pregnant and have had two children. I am wanting to become an early years teacher in Australia and wondered whether my degree would allow me to do this. The degree was 3 years full time and since the degree I have been childminding in order to stay home with my children. What do you think the possibilities of me doing early years and even if I can't become an early years teacher is it still worth getting my qualification assessed so that when I'm over there getting a job (even at lower level) will be easier?? (Hoping to get visa with husband as main applicant so not dependant on this but would like to know best way for when I'm there) thank you in advance xx
  11. Have you had any joy? I also have a degree in childhood studies and wondering what I can do with it!!! Advice would be nice x
  12. Ah that's great thanks for that. Yeah we're on with the house thing!! Sold one already, that's done n money in bank we have 2 more but just gonna sell one more n keep our main house and rent it out, at least until we've been there a few years. Selling two should hopefully give us enough to move. Scary stuff! With 3 kids on tow this isn't going to be easy but hopefully worth it. My husband's qualifications are in fabrication and welding so we were debating which to go through on but think fabricator best fits for him. Good luck and let me know when yours in granted xx take care
  13. Was going to book for the next one on 9th November but think we're going to do the 21st so that we have more time. Do u have any books etc that u want to sell??x
  14. That's great we'll done rick! I presume the statement is a personal statement? Do u know how long this should be? Not started the VeTASsESS yet! Thanks for all this info xx what a great site. Also is the state nomination part of the EOI?x
  15. Thank you, rickandange how did u apply for the state sponsorship is that through the EOI?? Thanks for your help, it seems expensive to do the VETASSESS with no guarantee of getting in but I guess it's worth the risk. Hopefully getting him booked onto the IELTS for November 9th but he's not looking forward to the writing part, or any of it infact. From your experience what is the IELTS test like? Is it difficult?x
  16. Sorry guys its the 189 visa we're applying for!!
  17. Thank you for that, I'll get him booked in. He's not very happy about it but needs must. Whats the difference in a state visa? Sorry for my ignorance x
  18. Hi guys, We are new to this and therefore any help is very much appreciated. We are looking at applying for a 190 visa. My husband qualified as a metal fabricator in 2001 and has 10 years on the job experience. When he applies for his skills assessed through VETASSESS if this is successful would he then gain an extra 5 points for having an Australian trade qualification or would he still only get the 10 points for having a trade qualification. The points we are looking at at the min are as follows: age 32 - 30points (only just!!) Experience - 15 points (8-10years) qualification - 10 (trade qualification) so we have 55 points but need 60! If he took the IELTS we could possibly get another 5 but would he get another 5 for having the VETASSESS done? Also is the VETASSESS $1900 in total. Do u have to have every stage complete before submitting EOI? Once visa is granted how long do u have before it expires? sorry for all questions just getting our heads around it. thanks in advance. ANY help would be good xxx Sas
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