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Posts posted by Jo40485

  1. Hi, 

    We have just arrived in oz on a 189 visa. We havnt got jobs yet. I have heard we can get medicare straight away. So planning on getting it sorted. After doing a bit of research I'm just wondering if anyone has done this recently?  We applied for tax numbers last night so waiting on them to arrive. Can we get medicare sorted without these numbers? Is there any other documents that we need to bring to the centrelink? 


    Thanks in advance



  2. Thanks guys for your replys. I will def look at getting private insurance. I will maybe see if I can do that from the UK before we go. It's a permanent move so no companies would insure us in australia under holiday insurance . The best we could get was from when we leave the UK until we land. Even an extra few days would have given me time to get things in place. As far as im aware we are eligible for medicare. I just don't no how long it will take to get it all set up. 


    Cheers guys and I will look at the possibility of getting bupa set up from outside australia.



  3. Hi everyone, 

    I just have a question about health insurance if anyone could answer. We are moving from the UK to australia on Thursday 😮. We were able to get insurance that covers us from when we leave the UK until we arrive, but that's it.  Only covers the journey. No company would give us holiday insurance as it's not a holiday. What happens if we need medical help after we arrive? I will look into getting private medical cover but it will prob take at least a few days to get something in place. I'm panicking a little.

    We are traveling on a 189 PR visa. I have a child with severe allergies and it's a little stressful not having everything in place before hand.


    Any advice appreciated




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