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  1. My daughter was born Nov 2003 but prematurely and so we deferred her. She should be in primary 6 (Scotland) but is currently in primary 5 (will be going into P6 after summer). It's the best thing we ever did as she has trouble concentrating and focusing (and a few other wee challenges) so she would never have coped if we had put her into the correct year for her age. Obviously she is a year behind most UK kids and I wondered if they will allow her to go into a year behind when we move to Perth, WA? I know they start their kids a bit later over there but she will really struggle with her age group due to her academic issues. Any advice gratefully received
  2. There is a link on the nmc website for requesting transcripts- I just checked. Good luck.
  3. I am getting mine through the NMC and so did my friend who has already emigrated- go onto their website. Think it cost about £40
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