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Everything posted by kirran

  1. Hi, good luck with the move. I’m not sure if I could help much as I think there are changes happening with the visa system
  2. Ah lovely..if you fancy a coffee please feel free to let me know
  3. Yeah, we are getting on well thanks! Been a crazy six months or so but things are settling down now and just been enjoying having the kids at home for their holidays! Are you near or in Kingston too?
  4. Hey, lovely to hear from you. We are loving it here. The girls are feeling more settled in school which helps a lot. Looking forward to moving into our house in a few weeks as still in a holiday rental. How long have you been here?
  5. Hi all, My family and I have arrived in Tasmania about a month ago. We are staying about 10 minutes from Kingston so please get in touch if anyone nearby fancies getting together. Enjoy your day
  6. kirran

    Any Advice?

    Hey guys, Many thanks for the replies. Lots of food for thought...much appreciated.take care all
  7. kirran

    Any Advice?

    Hi My husband and myself are wanting to permanently move to Australia when I graduate as a Retail Pharmacist. I have three years left at University followed by a pre-registration year. We are both in our 30’s and have two Children aged 5 and 3. My husband is a Warehouse operative and drives forklift trucks. He is also self employed as a part time Martial Arts Instructor and he would be looking to do the same if we can move to Australia. How would we go about getting over to Australia permanently and what would be the process in terms of visas? As we have two children we don't want to take too many risks. Could I maybe get a State Sponsorship but how easy is this process and how does the visa application work? Do I need to wait till I graduate or can I start the process before? In terms of getting registered as an Australian Pharmacist-can I start the process here? Any advice would be great. Many thanks Ki
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