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Posts posted by scottishsmudge

  1. if you really want to know what its like here, its blowing a gale and when the rain hits your face, it feels like you're in the ring with tyson. Anyone wonder why i want out! Australia is the great unknown for us. 2 of her sisters have emigrated to Melbourne a few years ago, and they rave about the place. I'm 30 now and regretting not doing it younger, and i'll be damned getting to 60 and regretting not doing it at all.

  2. Thanks. We are going to start the whole process in January. Give me some time between now and then to get as much money as possible together to pay for everything. I want everything paid cash, so when the move is going ahead, i can sell my house and use that money as cushion money when we land incase the job search isn't great. If i were to come over on the 189 visa, and didn't get a job in the electrical trade, could i get into bother with this? To be honest, i don't care what job i'd have to do, if it meant a roof over our heads and food on the table, i'd do it. Being a spark, that is obviously my number 1 choice, but if needs must, i'd do something else.

  3. I AM LOST.


    I am a 30 year old approved electrician near Edinburgh. Me, my partner and 9 year old daughter would like to emigrate. I have contacted an agent to help us, and he has told me about vetassess. After reading through nearly all 208 pages on this thread, my heads about to explode and the cold horrible rainy weather of Scotland doesn't seem that bad after all!


    what does vetassess actually do regards my quals (if anything)? we were hoping to move to NSW or Victoria. I didn't expect to be able to fall off the plane and land in a job, but financially, we are not in a position where i can afford to be looking for a job for any longer than 2-3 months before i'd have to return home with my tail between my legs. What can i do from the uk prior to my move that will help? We haven't even started the process yet, but will be applying for the 189 visa (according to the agent).


    Can someone shed some light on what actions i should take if we were to move, for example, to the Newcastle area and how this would effect/improve my job prospects? My other half is now panicking about me being able to find work and it is threatening to put the whole move off. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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