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Everything posted by emj1986

  1. [emoji15] wow that's a mission. I love the gym but can't say I'm a cardio fan - I don't think I could run up pottery road never mind from wrest point to the pinnacle [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  2. That we did! Took the dogs up with us too. 7 hour round trip but so worth it! It was the first time our Aussie shepherd had seen snow too. So beautiful up there [emoji177] Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  3. Blowing a gale in Hobart all day and night yesterday then woke up to a snow capped mt Wellington this morning. Wind should have normalised by tomorrow so might venture up to play in the white stuff [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  4. Thanks Luisa Suppose its about time for an update now - we are here Finally found a rental after agreeing to commence payment immediately even though we wouldn't be living in the place for another 3 weeks. Add that to some pretty mean rental agents back on the Gold Coast who not only dragged their feet despite being given 1 months notice after an 18 month tenancy with no issue, also decided to accept tenants that cant even move in until the end of SEPTEMBER it has been, and continues to be a costly experience running into over $10k just for the rental transition. Not to mention screwing us out of our bond despite jumping through hoops and doing everything they asked of us. Ill end that rant there as I could start a whole other thread on rental agents in Australia. Needless to say we are in 100% agreement that come hell or high water, the next time we move it will be into a home we own! We are now in our 3rd week. Animals flew down hassle free the day after we arrived via Jetpets - very happy with the price and service there. They boarded at a pet hotel while we were driving down and were collected and driven to the airport and put on the plane - I picked them up at the other side. $1500 for 2 large dogs and an older cat which I thought was very reasonable. The dogs are loving the new sights and smells and nice long walks in the countryside`and the cat is enjoying cuddling up in bed with us on the chilly winter nights! Our rental is in Lenah Valley which seems a lovely area. Compared with the Gold Coast, its cheap, the garden is a fantastic size for the dogs and we have a beautiful view of mount wellington from our living room and bedrooms! Everywhere is within walking distance and even a drive into CBD during rush hour takes no longer than 15min. People here actually acknowledge you and im still taken aback when people say hi to me in the street - its almost like being back home again. My partner started work the day after we arrived but must admit im having more of a struggle. It seems very much a 'not what you know but who you know' kind of place. Have now signed up with Hays so hopefully might have better luck with their recommendation. It did take me 3 months to find work on the Gold Coast so im not too concerned at this stage. The weather and surroundings and pace of life here is much more 'me'. I love how winter actually feels like winter and am looking forward to experiencing all the seasons again instead of warm, hot, hotter and hell on earth burning to a cinder and suffocating humidity. It is undoubtedly very beautiful, theres a lot more culture and history here, I love the old buildings and proper pubs and there being far less crappy taverns full of tradies playing pokies all night. I can actually envisage a future here whereas the Gold Coast very quickly sapped all of the enjoyment from my life, as dramatic as that sounds. In my opinion, a very toxic environment to live in. So happy days! Looking forward to life here
  5. What is the rental market like? On the coast there are sometimes 100's of applications per property so trying to secure something when you have pets is almost impossible. Is it like that in Hobart or is the competition less fierce? Also, how are the agents at letting you secure a rental without a prior inspection? Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  6. Whereabouts is this?? Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  7. Thank you! They all sound fantastic! We are limited to walking around the street here unless we jump in the car for 30min. Montrose looks stunning, can't wait to get there now! Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  8. Think I just died and went to heaven [emoji7] I am such a cold weather snow lover, this looks amazing for somewhere in Australia! Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  9. Thanks for all this! In terms of interests we are very outdoorsy so hiking, climbing, mountain biking, horse riding, dog walking, fishing, kayaking, running, obstacle courses - literally anything that keeps us moving! Quite fancy building a kit car one day and the other half wouldn't mind forging swords and that kind of thing one day (watching to much forged in fire lol) Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  10. I hate how transient it is - it's been impossible to make friends. Hate how fake it is and how everyone is a model/actor/wannabe. I constantly have the latest film crew at the gym where I train so it's always insanely busy with groupies. I hate the weather and literally stayed home this entire summer. Hate how expensive everything is because it's a tourist town. Customer service doesn't exist. Hate that the scenery is the same every single day of the year, there's no change of seasons at all it's just always the same. I could go on all day but I'll leave it there lol Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  11. Well I hate shopping so that won't be an issue! The first and last time I went shopping here was Boxing Day 2 years ago at robina town centre - I lasted 30min and came away with nothing lol. My partner is the main earner and he has found a really good job. I've applied for a few but it's not as important for me to start something immediately as we can cope on just his wage for a while. So excited to be moving - it's everything I've missed about the UK without giving up and going home [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  12. Hi all [emoji4] To cut a long story short, in the 3 years we have lived on the Gold Coast our lives have crashed and burned. It's time to get out of this toxic hell hole once and for all this time next month we are going to Hobart! I know we've made the right decision but just after some advice and recommendations from others who have made the move or a similar move: Interstate pet travel - I've had a quote from jetpets for $1k for 2 large breed dogs and a cat but any other recommendations would be great. Moving costs - had a look but can't see many places that will allow van rental one way to Tas. Professional quotes coming out around the $4k mark. We have nothing of any real value or sentiment so wonder if it would be worth selling everything and buying new Cars - should I take mine across on the ferry or fly and buy another when I get there Dog walking/parks Good areas for pet friendly rentals. Any areas to avoid Cost comparisons to the mainland - what's cheaper, what's more expensive Making friends, meet up groups, clubs etc Thanks in advance [emoji4] Em & Ad Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
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