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Posts posted by Brills33

  1. 50 minutes ago, Move2oz said:


    Hi brills33,
    It really is a long wait isn’t it, what visa route are you going down and where are you heading in oz? And have you got kids ?
    We applied for a 190 but have recently just been offered the 489 instead, but hey it’s a offer we’re not refusing, so we have just got to wait for the grant now


    Hi Scott

    We’ve applied for a 187 direct entry RSMS visa for the NT. I have a sponsor in place waiting for me but the wait it still set to be a long one. It’s possible we may apply for a temporary visa while we wait for the 187. 

    No children so that makes things easier for us in terms of the move itself. 

    Sometimes it feels like we are never going to get there. Reading through this forum there are so many people with their lives on hold just waiting in limbo for some news, with no guarantee. 


    I agree take what you can, get there and then rethink if you want to change or apply for a different visa. 

    Good luck though guys. 


  2. On 22/03/2018 at 11:53, raeside01 said:


    I have been on before and asked a similiar question but this is hopefully more specific. 

    My wife is a time served Hairdresser here in the UK with 12 years experience.

    We are 32 and are now looking into how to get her skills assessed. We are going to attempt this ourselves before getting agents involved as we have been stung before with advise from an agent who in all honesty was more interested in getting my pack in to recieve their payment but thats a different gripe.

    Is there anyone here who has completed the skills assessment for Hairdressing in the last few years and has the relevant/ up to date information that we could use to get this started? 

    We have an idea of the process through endless searches but it would be such a help if we could round up some specific information. 

    Thanks in advance 



    Hi Scott

    There is a thread on here that’s been running a few years, with a lot of infomation on the whole vetesses skills assessment process and detailed lists of the questions they ask for the technical interview. 

    It’s a long read but well worth it. See below. 

    I did my skills assessment Sept 2017. Submitted visa application in Nov 2017. No news yet.

    The wait will be very long unfortunately. 

    Good luck. 

  3. 1 hour ago, raeside01 said:

    WOW that is a long wait. Although I assume the wait will bw worth it and by this stage there should be no major snags and you can start dreaming of a sunnier life. 

    Im miles behind everyone on this thread, we are trying to do it ourselves and my current issue is how I lay out the evidence in the way VETASSESS want to see it?

    My plan was to take a couple of videos and use the software discussed throughout this thread but in terms of capturing all the requirements of the units/modules required and cross refrencing to my evidence pack I was going to do write ups of the techniques required but highlight the health and safety aspects, environmental awareness, cutting techniques throuhgout each etc.

    Is there such a thing as over kill or is it the more the merrier?


    Hi ?? 

    It’s frustrating for sure waiting as we’ve done everything we can now. We just wait and potentially could still get turned down for the visa. Although I don’t know what the chances are of this happening.


    As for Vetassess evidence, you really sound like you have a plan and know what your talking about. The aim of this evidence submission is show you have understand, so I don’t think there is such a thing as overkill. 

    I used a spreadsheet with the units listed down one side. And I numbered all my pieces of evidence, then listed the evidence number next to the units it related to. Sometimes most or all of my evidence referred to these units so it was time consuming listing them. Anything that I couldn’t add to my evidence, I wrote up my understanding of this unit to show I had knowledge. 

    I hope this helps. 


  4. On 08/03/2018 at 03:53, Bellabonkers said:



    I am so sorry I never got back to you! I need to turn the notifications on to this forming! I'm hoping you found the book!


    Have you had your interview yet?



    Hi Bella 

    Sorry for the super late reply.

    Yes I had my interview back in September and passed, it all went very well. I purchased an Australian standard hairdressing book and read it cover to cover over a few months before the technical interview. All of the questions asked I had read in the book so it was well worth the $70 I paid for it. 


    We applied for a 187 visa November 2017 and expected a year wait, but was advised in March 2018 that the wait could be 17 months due to changes within the department of immigration. So applications aren’t being processes as quickly as they should be. 

    So we are in for a long wait. Currently still in the UK. 


  5. On 02/07/2017 at 03:28, Bellabonkers said:

    Hey ?? 

    It's vest to learn the Chemical straightening process as listed in the Australian hairdressing training book. 

    All the questions I was asked were from that book (like our equiviliant to City and guilds NVQ 2 hairdressing) 

    Definetly worth investing in as it helped me so much. 

    Good luck 

    Great thank you again for your advice again, what was the actual name of the book you bought, I've had a look online but unsure as to which book to get? 


    Thank you x 

  6. Hi Bella


    Thank you for the advice, I've now submitted all my evidence online,  plus videos sent to Melbourne on a USB, I was asked to provide a few more bits which I did so just waiting to hear back now. 


    As for the chemical straight service, it's not something I've really done but I know a bit about it from others that have, but there's so many types of straightening products, some with the use of irons, some without. So a little worrying as to what answers they will be looking for in the step by steps, although I guess if I explain that, all should be ok? 


    Wow thats quite a long wait, but it's good to hear you are feeling relaxed now your paperwork is all in. Good luck with the process. 

    I've been advised that once the visa application starts it could take a year, so we are hoping for the end of next summer.


    Thanks again for your advice, this forum has been very helpful, thanks girls x 

  7. Hi all,

    Emma Louise I'm at a similar stage to you, I'm almost completed and ready to submit, I've been uploading my documents online for the last few days with just a little more to do. I have evidence for most things, but where some might be a little less direct I've written up my understanding of that unit, I'm not sure if this is acceptable but hopefully this will be ok. 


    As for the videos, how did everyone submit theirs? Did I ready somewhere rhey have to go on a memory stick or CD, and post? I'm unsure where I have to send it? 

    Any advice on this will be fantastic, thank you.


  8. Hi again guys.

    Sorry for the delay in replying. 
    The information needed to submit for the skills assessment has taken up a fair amount of my time. 
    Bella, you submitted so many certificates and courses that you have done, plus with many years experience I guess they just didn't need any video evidence. Well done. 
    I've started gathering statements from my regular customers and taking lots photos of my work too so it's coming along slowly.
    And well done on your skills assessment, that's really great news. 
    Vicky you must have been so frustrated when Hairdressing was taken off the list in QLD, this is always the worry. I have been informed that in NT hairdressers are very much in shortage so fingers crossed. 
    That's good you have a job offer though.
    I am in the U.K and yes have been told the wait can be around a year but I thought that was for the whole process, or is this just the visa alone? 
    Same for you Laura, you must have been so annoyed with the changes. Good luck with your medical, do you know what it will involve?
    Thanks again to you all for the information on what you did. It's very helpful for me.
    Lauren, if you read right back on this thread there's a fair bit of info on what questions the girls have been asked in their technical interviews. 
    It's surprising because even after all these years of hairdressing, some of the questions are still quite challenging so I think some refreshment of the basics is a good idea. 
    Emma x
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  9. Thanks for the reply and the info on the videos. So did you edit the videos or mute the sound at times? Were your videos taken in the salon or at home? I'm not sure what program to use for editing videos or even how to send them over...tech novice haha.

    I'm sorry to hear you are still waiting, wow it's really taken a while. It's a very slow process and I guess the change in your situation may have held things up. I'm guessing you changed visa applications.

    I have a job offer 187 RSMS in NT.

    Thanks again for your advice. 

  10. Hi all,

    I've been reading through this thread for a few weeks as I also have to do a skills assessment. 

    Vicki and Laura the information you have supplied has been really great, I feel I have more of an understand of what to expect. 

    Also Bella, thank you for listing some of your question too. 

    Could I ask a little about video evidence submitted, I know Vicki and Laura have covered a little on what they did with their videos, but I'm unsure how to make them and whether to try to talk through the process or do a voice over.

    Bella what did you submit in terms of videos, how many and what were they? Do you think there is a criteria on how many to send.

    Vicki and Laura how have things worked out for you both, I'm guessing you should both have finally finished the process by now? 

    Thanks guys. 

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