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Posts posted by haiwind

  1. This is very dangerous advice.

    The issue of claiming points for employment experience is not that simple and is the cause of many failed applications under the current system.

    To claim employment experience, the experience must be considered ”skilled employment”. In most cases this is post qualification, but not always.

    The DIAC website is a guide only and not to be relied upon. It does not specify the Regulation or Policy on how to interpret the Regulation.

    The Assessing bodies also provide advice in regards to ”skilled employment” which the case officer can chose to consider or disregard.


    But applicant sometimes really confused what he/she/3rdsex could claim in EOI...

    Confusion point is 'How to define the 'Skilled employment'?

    Applicant dont know cause he/she/3rdsex could not find a clear answer from DIAC website as you mentioned.

    And applicant could not always follow what Assessing bodie's advice for 'skilled employment' either.



    For example, esepcially when applicant had full-time paid work experiences before the formal qualification, Assessing body(For example ACS) would count those Prior-degree experiences as well and give the 'skilled employment' date before the date of competion of qualification.

    But we heard that DIAC might only count the work experience which is post-degree experiences or 5 years substitute of formal qualification, so if applicant just follow what Assessing body's advice as to claim the skilled employment start date before the qualification or degree, they might also be rejected by DIAC.



    So what to do then, seems applicant need firstly understand how DIAC mostly do lets say they count experience only after degree, then look whether assesing body's advice if met this condition, then decide what to claim in EOI.

  2. Hi travelchic, I will get 25 points for my age.


    Yes, Rupert, I know that I will not get points for assessment. But once I submit an EOI, my total years of experience will be calculated based on comments made by the skills assessment body (ACS, in my case). So, if I have 8.5 years of experience and ACS comments that I am considered "skilled" for 6.5, then my points on work experience will be based on 6.5! No?



    If you dont want to claim points for work experience, you could tick 'not relevant' checkbox in EOI after filled work experiences.

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