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Posts posted by BeckyFacer

  1. So happy for you Yak - congratulations! Lots to do now... Keep us updated with your goings on :)


    Did you receive the grant by post or email?


    Now where's mine damn it?! ;)



    Yours can't be long now. I expected end of May was surprised when I got mine last week. Mine took 7 months and 19 days. CO KP. I didn't even email the CO to prompt either. It was a great surprise to celebrate before the easter hols.

  2. I feel your pain micman... The last viewing I had on Sunday appeared very keen, agents have called 3 times and just get voicemail. Crazy thing is there is an identical house to mine down the road for £5,000 more. That is typical suggesting an asking price then stating you should reduce £20,000 that is excessive ... Ive only been in my house 15 months I just want what I paid. I'm not happy with the pics online. Hopefully my visa will be through in the next 2 months. Only thing is waiting for my house to sell. my Fiance keeps telling me not to worry. If the worst came to it then I would have to rent my house, I don't really want to I can imagine things going wrong.


    At least you can leave your house to sell, I worry about covering the mortgage payments...


    You should get your CO allocated soon it took a month for me...



    Just had a wasted 10 minute conversation with the estate agent who said she was "going to call" but didn't! Apparently there are now 3 almost identical properties in our area at £20,000 less than ours so we should drop the price to match.

    I tactfully mentioned that they suggested the asking price and told us it was very competitive. I do wonder what would have happened if I hadn't called?

    So we shall see if that makes a difference and we start getting some genuine buyers through the door.

    As for you, if your fiance has bought a house in Adelaide, can you not live there once you have your visa or did you mean rent your UK house out until it sells?


    We are planning on getting the removal company in by June and leaving another estate agent with the keys to sell the house empty if needs must as we are just throwing money away here

    every month.


    Jeez, they say that moving house is stressful even when you are staying in the same village. . . no wonder my blood pressure was through the roof at my medical last week!!:rolleyes:

  3. I don't really understand the 100 partner visa, though at least that seems more like that is the end of it. My Fiance as just bought a lush house near the beach in Adelaide. I just want my house to sell.. That is interesting my house as been up a few weeks and just had 2 viewings. Ive only been in the house just over a year. Im not looking to make any money just get back what I paid.. I just want my life to start its on hold here. There is nothing here for me.. I have been so anxious with my house like you.. I need to be more patient, if the worst came to it and the visa arrived I would have to rent. I don't want to do this, as I don't intend to come back and to me it will just be another stress. When I get there I want to concentrate on getting a job and getting married... I have my fingers crossed for you.. At least you have plenty of time.. I should have put my house up for sale a few months ago now.. Keep us posted...


    Hi Becky


    It's the subclass 100 partner visa (We've been together 16 years!)


    Share your frustration at house selling as we've been on the market for a few weeks and have only had 2 viewings and 2 time wasters!

    Reading that other people are in the same position helps though :biggrin:


    Good luck with your house sale and April is really not far away now!

  4. Hi Micman,



    What visa have you applied for? Ive reached the 6 months mark, patient is the frustrating word.. One which we have all had to get use to. I put my house up for sale a few weeks ago, hoping it all comes together in the next few months. As I know the earliest the visa will come is end of April. My concern is selling my house. So good to see im not the only one waiting for that to happen.


    Me patient it will all come together..



    Quick questions. . . . anyone waited more than 3 weeks for a CO to be allocated?


    (I know, be patient but that word seems to be missing from my vocabulary at the moment!)


    We are planning on heading to Brisbane while waiting for grant as fed up waiting for house to sell here. Has anyone applied for a tourist visa while waiting for the

    partner visa grant?

    Thanks peeps! :smile:

  5. Hi There,


    I feel your concerns, I am in a similar situation. I am applied for a PMV end of August 2013. Though like yourselves I am trying to make relevant plans but feel anxious without knowing the outcome. 2 factors for me are, my fiance living in Adelaide is waiting for his divorce to come through which should have been dealt with last year. Though he tells me it should come through in a months time, I have just put my house up for sale hoping I get a buyer. You have a buyer so focus on that... Like people have said as long as everything has been submitted and you have not been contacted its just the frustrating factor of waiting in the que. My case officer KP a month after me submitting she asked for stat decs which I would have provided but the mirgation company I am with told me I did not need this annoying at the time but we submitted it within 2 weeks. Submitted medical and police check in time requested and ive heard nothing since, Ive been told the only reason I would be contacted is if they wanted more information. Fingers crossed everything will work out in the timescale to get everything done. I would hope given others peoples visa mine would be granted April/May time. Timescales seems around 8 1/2 to 9 months at the moment. Your married and have children so certainly do not see any problems for you. I'm hoping for marriage and children next year No negative thoughts!!, this forum helps to keep me positive.. Our relationship has certainly been through it, so difficult being apart..



    I think that my worry is exacerbated by hubby who keeps asking me if people are refused their visa sooner rather than later and what will we do if he's refused etc etc. I keep telling him that I'm pretty sure it will be fine, but he's stressing me out even more!! His latest thing to stress about is what if the buyers for the house pull out? I'm afraid I replied what if the sky falls in, the sun rises from the West and the Messiah knocks on the door? I was trying to show him how ridiculous he's being and considering the buyer was literally stalking the estate agent by phoning her 5 times a day from the first viewing to me accepting the offer, I highly doubt they will back out now! Men!!
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