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Posts posted by Amigo1

  1. Thanks


    Town Planner.

    Did it myself, was pretty much decision ready apart from the medicals, which we did 1 week after the application.

    Wasn't submitted as decision ready as only an agent can lodge DR.


    This scenario of your visa being granted so quickly (as a few others too lately in a similar circumstance) give no end of hope to people lodging visas themselves I'm sure, but to people paying agents to lodge decision ready applications this is frustrating to hear. I'm sure that they just throw applications in the air and process the ones that fall first haha. There really does seem to be no point at all to DR at the moment. :arghh:

  2. That's brilliant hoping to hear some good news myself, I have been in Perth on a 457 for nearly 3 year and wouldn't mind setting up down secret harbour myself.


    My time line is below, the application is DRC through a agent.


    Nomination and application submitted: 26/6/13

    Nomination and application Acknowledge: 26/6/13

    Case Officer: ?????? Currently says in progress in the top right of the page and process next to my name.



    How will I know when I have a case officer allocated??


    No idea on the case officer question...no one else ever seems to say either. I'm not even sure how useful logging in to check the status is either to be honest. It seems to be that once people get their visas approved they disappear, and we are left with our unanswered questions haha.


    My timeline...



    nomination approved already (did it separately)

    Application submitted decision ready by MA 17/6/13




    Mine says in progress too, has done for weeks. I don't think that means anything.

  3. What a difference a day makes! Been super busy at work today and didn't,t check my email until just before I left at 6pm and the golden email was there, in fact had been sat in my inbox since 7.32am this morning! ENS 186 granted, been PR all day and didn't realise.


    Super super elated, hope everyone else gets theirs soon! Here is my timeline.


    Nomination submitted: 28.3.2013

    Nomination granted: 18.6.2013

    Positive skills assessment: 12.7.2013 (applied 3.3.2013) Midwife

    Visa application (non DR without MA): 13.7.2013

    Visa grant: 15.8.2013


    Happy, happy, happy. Good luck to everyone else waiting x


    Awesome news tomabbie!!! :-D

  4. Very fed up today, spoke to DIAC today and they reckon its taking 6-8 months for a CO to be allocated for the 186. Wasn't sure wether they meant from initial employer nomination or my application and were very short with me on phone wouldn't tell me where my application was at.

    If its from employer nomination (28.3.2013; approval 18.6.2013; visa application 13.7.2013) then I don't have long to wait but if its from my application on 13.7.2013, have still got a long wait ahead :-(. So much for being in an in demand profession (midwife). Hoping they are wrong because reading this timeline it seems some people's are much quicker.



    Wow that's crazy! Have you submitted a DR application tomabbie? We submitted our DR 186 in June. Going insane waiting already though. :arghh:

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