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Posts posted by Yak

  1. I got my visa, I got my visa, da da da dah! Granted today (after a polite "could you possibly give any indication of grant date" email) and it was emailed to me 30 mins later!


    309 temporary visa, must validate by 2 December!


    Now what to do next?!?!


    Woo hoo !!!!! Fantastic news...I have been away for a few days and was absolutely thrilled for you when I saw it had come through for you on my return. Happy days.

  2. So happy for you Yak - congratulations! Lots to do now... Keep us updated with your goings on :)


    Did you receive the grant by post or email?


    Now where's mine damn it?! ;)


    I had emailed my CO with an address update as we sold the flat and are moving out this weekend to stay with the in-laws...think this must have probably triggered the grant.


    It came as email just with the grant letter attached. What a fright I got when I saw it, it's very strange how you feel when it finally comes along and you have been waiting so long for it. Anyway am sure that you must be next then vickyplum....have my fingers and toes crossed for you to hear soon.



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