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Posts posted by Veronique

  1. Hi,


    Does anybody know, previously when there was fee increases for Parent Visas specifically for the 2nd Vac, was it implemented only for new applicants or existing applicants as well who were already in the pipeline? I am concerned because there was talk going around (productivity commission recommendations) about the new 5 year temporary visa and doubling of the parent visa fees from July 1st 2017. Again, if so do you think that it maybe specifically for applicants applying after July 1st or everyone processed thereafter?


    Pls let me know your thoughts.



    Parent visa fees (1st and 2nd vac) are payable at the rate that was in force at the time your application was lodged

  2. Heads up on AOS:


    When opening up the necessary a/cs with the Commonwealth Bank, apparently Managers have the discretion to waive a/c opening fees - as my daughter found out to our benefit today:-) She was though disgusted to have to pay her own bank (Westpac) a fee to print what I thnk is a bank draft for the AOS money (?). She is considering changing banks!

    I think you'll find it standard practice for all Oz banks to charge for issuing bank cheques ( known as bankers draft in UK)

  3. Hi, it's a long time since I posted here but I just thought I would let you know what has happened since we emigrated. A year ago today we landed in Perth after a two year wait. We had made an offer on a house 3 months previously when we came to Perth to validate our visa, so we were able to finalise the paperwork and within ten days had moved in albeit without our furniture.


    We then bought a new Hyundi i30 for half what we would have paid in England. We have found petrol to be half price council rates less than half, electricity.and gas about 25% less (although we do have solar panels).Water rates are about 50% more than we use to pay.Food doesn't seem to be much dearer and there are always bargains to be had. Obviously the value of the pound affects our pensions and you do need to consider some private health insurance. Overall we feel things have worked out well for us.


    Every morning we wake up and say isn't this wonderful - usually wall to wall sunshine - winter at the moment so it is a bit cool. Those of you still in the waiting room have patience you will get there. If anyone needs any further information feel free to send private message

    Good luck everyone.

  4. Hi Guys,

    My Mum & I both posted separately a few weeks back as my parents were right at the end of the process for CPV.

    Mum ended up travelling here on a tourist visa as we had no news & baby is due Tuesday 31st.

    Mum got here 24th March so just getting over her jetlag.


    Well guess what? - Immigration sent request for 2nd VAC on 24th March also so Mum has to go offshore before Visa grant :-/

    We're off to get the Bank Cheque today to send to Parents Centre & booked Mum a 4 day trip to New Zealand so sending proof of this also.


    Has anyone any experience in this process - how long does the grant take once she's in NZ & how will she know it's been granted?

    Will they email?


    Thanks in advance guys.


    Their application date was mid june 2013


    if you have supplied IMMI with dates and flight numbers,they will monitor your mother's movement through passport control in OZ and issue the grant letter by email immediately providing they have received your bank cheque

    good luck

  5. Hello to everyone still waiting, also those, who like us are waiting to depart. The packers are here at our rental, container tomorrow. Moving into a hotel for three nights (so we have time to do a spring clean!). Friend's house for two nights, up to Heathrow on Tuesday ready for our flight on Wednesday morning (don't want to risk getting stuck on the M25 'car park'!!). Arrive in Perth on Thursday. Have warned our daughter that she will not be able to see us behind the two moving mountains of luggage ??

    All a bit daunting, and we are a tad apprehensive; our last great adventure though.

    All our best wishes to you all, YOU WILL GET THERE IN THE END ? ? ?. Carolyn


    Hi Carolyn you have reached the light at the end of the tunnel Congratulations. You must be so excited and looking forward to stepping on to Australian soil and becoming permanent residents. Hopefully we won't be too long behind you. Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best Wishes


  6. Hi Barry, we applied June 2013, same as you, also contacted by co same day as you and all requests completed by 6th feb, nothing since. Our daughter in Melbourne spoke to someone in immi (after 90 minute hol) and they would not tell her anything, we just receive automated response when we email the team at immi and my flight is booked for 23rd March as I'm to be birth partner for my daughter on 31st!!! Stressed doesnt describe it!!!


    if the AOS has been OK'd and immi notified I don't really know what the answer is to your problem. One would thought emailing the CO team would be enough to get things moving or at least enough for them to tell you what the holdup is caused by.

    Sometimes Perth immi do appear to be insensitive and uncaring at times and oblivious to the stress that they cause to applicants when your requests for information are seemingly ignored

    what I do know is if they make a request for the 2nd VAC, you will have 28 days to pay it and if you are still in OZ when you pay it they will be aware of it and request you provide them evidence of when you intend to leave before they send you the grant email

    The description of the 143 visa is "offshore" so you must be offshore when they grant it

    Sorry I cannot offer more in the way of advice

    cheers Barry


    ps just realised I answered your post on my wife's username


  7. Good morning Veronica - Congratulations on obtaining your visa - Can I ask when you actually lodged your first application (ie paid 1st instalment). when it is allocated to an officer how long does that take? - did you encounter any problems? Many thanks

    Hi Sylvia

    My OH (Barry001) posted our timeline .It's on page 483 of this thread and should be of help to you


  8. Hi

    can someone help please ?

    we have been granted visa 143 and have until 15 August to validate the visa

    we don't expect to be able to enter Oz permanently until after this date because we need to sell our property

    is one allowed to to register for medicare on our initial entry or must we register after our arrival on a permanent basis ? ie post 15 August 2015


  9. Many congratulations and thanks for the detailed timeline of your experience.

    Valuable information to those of us,wasting away in the queue!

    Where are you heading to?

    Best wishes



    Hi Steve we are heading for Perth. Have yet to sell our house but hopefully it won't take too long.

  10. HI Carob Brilliant news it's been a long slog but you have made it !!!!!!

    We are just behind you - waiting for our australian police checks





    Thank you Margaret. Yes, you are absolutely right, we did get our visas yesterday. So have reached the bottom of the helter-skelter! Yesterday we booked our flights for 11th March, so we are now at the top of the roller coaster haha. . Once your final documents are asked for, it all happens very quickly, providing of course you are able to get going. Our daughter sent the final VAC cheque by registered Mail on Tuesday afternoon, so once the money is received it is only a matter of a couple of days, before the grant.

    We were rather worried that we might fall at the fence of Australia Day, as things tend to close down early on the Friday.

    Look forward to hearing when you get yours. It does feel very unreal though, I have to say. Lots and lots to still think about.

    My good wishes to everyone on here. 

  11. Hi all fellow waiters, first time I've posted and our lodgement date is 28th June 2013, sent test mail to pvc on 1st December and auto response stated they are now assessing 143s with lodgement of 20th May the week b4 rep.y was 9th April so they are defo moving forward a tad quicker at mo, yippee

    Hi everyone

    Pleased to say the Perth immi auto reply email is functioning again, but assessment date is no different from a week ago ie 20 May 2013


  12. Hi

    One can send an email to Perth immi on any subject and you usually receive an auto reply within minutes

    i find this very useful because the auto reply always gives the current processing/receipting dates together with other info but for about a week or more the auto reply system does not seem to be functioning

    has anyone experienced to same problem ?


  13. Hi All, Just an update on our CPV 143 journey. We had a request for documents from the PVC Team they like us to send the police check and our medical check and also have our AoS done all with in 28 day's. We didn't think we had to do anything till mid 2015.

    Anybody know why the rush ?

    hi Tony

    Is does seem to be extraordinarily quick - You're not already in possession of a 173 visa are you ?

  14. Amanda


    i have just contacted my agent in Australia who has just advised that they are currently only now processing 143 visa for September 2012 so we are being advised CO allocation is a way of yet

    we are offshore UK our agent is in oz.


    anybody in UK know any different


    The copy auto reply provided by Amanda will be the correct processing timeline, so I don't know where your agent got September 2012 from (Richardcoull's post on page 743 supports this - he lodged his 143 on 12 April 2013 and was assigned a CO just last week)


  15. Woohoooo, finally "the email" has arrived! CO has requested for pending documents and gave us 28 calender days time!

    I hope everything goes fine! Will keep you guys updated!




    Hi Rich

    on your timeline on your last posting, the CO date is recorded as 5 October - I think it should read 5 November


  16. Just to clarify what was put on earlier. My father-in-law is paddyman1 and he application date was 4/2/13 and acknowledgement date was 14/4/13. Acknowledgement date is not the lodgement date, it is the date of the letter that is sent from immigration acknowledging your application has been received. On the acknowledgement letter is also states the lodgement date.


    At the beginning of August we received a letter requesting for the AOS, medical and police check. The police check had already been done. The medical was completed on 18/8/14 and as we had one AOS rejected as my husband could not be the AOS for his dad, as he is already the AOS for his mum and step father we had to do all the paperwork again. This finally went through on 02/09/14. So apart from the police check nothing else was done before it was requested by immigration. This did slow the process down. We were not given the acknowledgment letter from our first immigration agent and if we had been those things would have been done earlier.


    The second VAC was requested 03/10/14 and was paid by my FIL to our immigration agents 'go Matilda' and it was paid by them on 13/10/14. My father-in-law had his visa granted yesterday 17/10/14



    so from start to finish it has taken 20.5 months. Hopefully it does get quicker for those waiting.


    My FIL has booked his flight today and we will have him here end of November.

    Hi Jen ,thank you for providing your FIL's timeline - just a small point, when immi requested medical ,AOS etc was that also the CO assignment date?

    It seems as though it can be a quick process once the CO is in place if one had had all the other paperwork and medical completed

    cheers Veronique

  17. guys my acknowledgement date is april 12 ..so any guess how time it would take to get co assigned ? the wait is killing me lol


    According to the auto reply email from WA PVC just this week visa 173 to 143 takes 8 months to assign a CO from the date of LODGEMENT of the application (not acknowledgement date)

    If applying for the 143 without going through the visa 173 route ,again WA PVC auto reply is quoting 18 months from lodgement date to. assigning a CO


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