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Posts posted by NANNY NELLY

  1. In a similar situation myself - you can apply while you are here in Australia, your 457 will remain valid, either until it expires or your 143 visa is granted. You do need to go offshore when the 143 is ready to be granted, a quick trip to New Zealand or similar is all that is required.


    Am i right in thinking the first payment for 2 is around $5000. then the second big one is near completion as a cost of $43.600 each adult ??Do you know when they ask for the BOND ?

  2. Hi good people


    Great big Woooohoooo!!!! Just had notification that PVC have received the final vac from us and will be granting our visa once we've left to go to NZ on Tuesday.


    I've vacated my seat and I'm stood at the waiting room door with my foot in it ready to go. Shuffle up everyone :wink: I'll let you all know when we get the word that it's done.





    congratulations that must be a huge weight off your shoulders..

  3. If you haven't used it for 1 year its likely that you won't use it again, its amazing how much stuff we collect!!!


    Caro, thanks for your good wishes. Date of final move is dependant on sale of the house. Housing market is perking up a bit so hopefully we can sell ours with not too much stress.


    Our decluttering is going well. I'm now on nodding terms with the boss of the local tip, and soon I guess we'll be discussing the weather and the cricket (hasn't it gone well?) I have sworn that I will never, ever put anything in any loft again. A complete waste of energy. Apart from suitcases and Christmas, decorations which I could reach without getting into the loft, we have never brought anything down from the loft and used it again. (The only possible exceptions being children's buggies etc, and we are well past the time when they were needed.)







    We are currently on a sponsored 457 which runs out in 2014; we are trying to get re-sponsored on another 457 and were thinking of keeping to 457 untill we reach the age for Aged Parent Visa.
    (Our Current ages are 56 + 58)

    But may have to apply for the CPV, if we do then are we eligible for a full pension after 10 years ?


  5. Hi

    We are currently on a sponsored 457 which runs out in 2014; we are trying to get re-sponsored on another 457 and were thinking of keeping to 457 untill we reach the age for Aged Parent Visa. (Current age 56 + 58)

    But may have to apply for the CPV, if we do then are we eligible for a full pension after 10 years

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