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Everything posted by AnnieS

  1. Where in Oz are you planning to go to?
  2. Oh dear! I contacted some schools previously & they told me they're full with 30 kids in a class. Thought I was just unlucky. There's no way we can afford private fees in the UK. :-((
  3. Hi Robarts Family - it's such a difficult situation. I feel your pain. We initially came out to Oz in 2005 and lived in Wollongong. We lasted 3 months. I hated it and could not adjust. Hubby was happier but I eventually dragged him down. I was also pregnant with my 2nd child and wanted to be closer to family. My father also sadly had passed away. We started a new life in Horsham (never lived there before) with relatives in Kent & Germany. I liked Horsham very much, but we felt we needed to go back and at least get Australian citizenship. We decided to go to Melbourne this time and settled much better. Hubby lost his job, got a new one and we moved to Brisbane. Hubby lost his job again after 9 months and we moved back to Melbourne. We've been here for almost 6 years now. It does make a HUGE difference WHERE you decide to settle. We now have a possible opportunity to go back to the UK, but it's a difficult decision. I am also very fussy about where to live in the UK. There are certain areas that I simply would not consider as I know I would feel depressed. If you're in a horrible area (and they are plentiful in the UK), it might be worth considering moving somewhere a bit nicer. I'm sure it will help you & your family to settle back into life in the UK. Good luck!
  4. Thanks for your advice. Forgot about the council system. That's going to be tricky. Yes, I can imagine it's hard for the kids to leave their friends behind. We have an opportunity to go back, but are not 100% sure whether it'll be a good move for us as a family. Hubby is very homesick and wants to be closer to family. Big decision. Most important thing for us is that the kids get a good education and enjoy going to school. Thanks for your advice.
  5. I'm not using this thread for deciding on where to live. That would be crazy as everyone has their own priorities. Personally I prefer Cornwall to Surrey. I simply wondered how kids coped moving schools from Oz to the UK. So many people whinge about the academic standards in Oz but the majority seems to think that it's not a real issue to jump a grade or 2. It can't be that bad in Oz then or do they simply just waste time in UK schools considering they start so early. In any case, I feel better about our move back. Thanks.
  6. Why? Does it feel too remote down there?
  7. Thanks everyone for your replies. We're deciding between Truro & Farnham/Surrey. Truro didn't sound very good from what I read in the thread. The thing that worries me most is that our kids are academically behind and my oldest son already suffers from low self-esteem. Just wonder how he will cope with that. Did you guys have to give your kids extra tuition to make up for jumping the grades? Sounds like my oldest would have 1 year in primary and then move on to secondary. Problem about OFSTED is that it mainly relates to academic achievement just like NAPLAN. I'm concerned with how a school approaches the 'whole child' (not just academic results), which they do so beautifully here in Australia. Sounds like we have to decide on the area first!!!! Not easy.
  8. Hi. We've been in Oz for 6 years now & have an opportunity to go back with work. My biggest worry (amongst many others) is schooling for the kids. My oldest son is turning 10 this December and is in grade 3. We had the option to defer him for a year before starting prep and it was the best decision ever. My youngest son is turning 7 this June and is currently in grade 1. The school they go to is a private prep to year 12. It is a really really good school. I like the fact we don't have to worry about High School years. I'm now wondering how the kids would adjust to the British system where kids start school as early as 4 years old. What grade would they be in? There's NO we could afford a private school in England. Any info would be really appreciated.
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