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Posts posted by BlackMagic

  1. We applied independently without any agent.. took the risk but it paid-off

    We got invitation from NSW after 5 months. Applied on November they replied on May. Then lodged 190 visa application end of May and got it after another 6 months June, July, Aug,Sep,Oct, Nov...... we feel it like a never ending century...

    While am writing this post i hold a cup of coffee and remembering those golden memories of 3 years ago...

    All of u will be fine.. Dont worry just wait for few more days. I pray for all of your success....


    Note:black magic is my fav perfume 


  2. Hi


    So we have been in Aus for 4 weeks now, we have settled on the Central Coast NSW which is gorgeous. I have used this forum loads for info and so wanted to write something in case others might find it useful. We flew (myself, hubbie and 2 young children) with Singapore airlines, no complaints.

    For anyone travelling with children the best advice is to give yourselves a few weeks to get over jet lag and get sorted before starting work. We found that things like sorting medicare, rentals etc have taken longer as we had to factor in the kids being unsettled/exhausted and the need for them to be out and about playing and not just trailing around boring places all day!


    Finding a rental has been tough. Get medicare sorted, change drivers licence and print out any bank statements, gas/electricity bills and previous renting info if you have it, this will ensure that you have enough ID with your passport and birth certificate too to qualify for applying for rentals. Be friendly with estate agents. We applied for several rentals and they were let to someone else and I think personally it was because we had just arrived and didn't have a history here. I wish we had written a covering letter to go with our application forms as on paper I can see why they would have chosen someone else as my husband had only been working a couple of days. In the end we caught a break as the estate agent for the house we have just accepted is Scottish and I think she really wanted us to get the house and went out of her way to help! We rented an airbnb cabin for 6 weeks and I think this is a good amount of time, I'm sure some people will get a rental as soon as they arrive but we have had the time to really explore areas and decide where we really wanted to focus our search on.


    Weather - has been amazing, a very mild winter here apparently. Temps ranging from 15-24 daytime and lots of sunshine, although it is very chilly in the morning and from 4pm, I would still pack light jackets.


    Cost of food - pretty similar if you shop around and don't do all of your shopping in the big supermarkets, although I would say we are spending slightly more than in the UK, organic food in particular is expensive!


    Petrol is cheap, currently about $1


    Medicare - easy to sort out, either go at 8.30 when it opens or 3pm as this is when school pick up is so apparently it is quiet then too! You don't have to go to your local doctors here you can choose wherever you want. We haven't even thought about this yet.


    We are still looking for a car, you can get rentals cheap so we will continue to do this until we find something. Driving is much nicer here, hardly any traffic and people seem to stick to the speed limit more!


    Feel free to ask any questions.





    Welcome to the heaven...


    Your story reminds me our hardship to get a rental, immediately after arrival.


    I had to pay 3 months rent in advance+Bond to get a single studio. I got a job within 6 weeks.



    Just now realised three years have passed :)


    Hope to meet you and your family at Central cost on a weekend in future. We live at Sydney North.

  3. The e-mail 'interrupted us' late last night but it was worth it.


    State Nomination Approved!


    Next step with be the EOI and with 70 points I think all should go well there.


    Melbourne - we're nearly there!





    Congrats!! I know how that feels like. Coz we got same email after woke up early morning(four years ago)

    Your mail made me nostalgic. My wife cried in happiness at that time...


    We have been living here since last three years and wanna live for ever.



    Best of luck.

  4. Hi I have just moved to Sydney from Manchester with my husband (I'm 37-hubby 35) and 2 boys aged 2and 4. Does anyone on here organise expat meet ups on the northern beaches??? We're in North Balgowlah at the moment but looking around for something more permanent nearby... Would anyone fancy getting a meet up organised or be interested in coming if I organised something??? Be great to meet up with some fellow POM's thanks Yvonne x


    Welcome to Sydney.... Best of Luck to you and your family.... :)

  5. how many of yourselves went through an agent or done it themselves? is there a big cost difference? were going to do it on the skilled independent but unsure whether to just do it ourselves or go through an agent??


    advice please!


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk





    I did my application processing from the scratch by myself. VISA-190/NSW/Computer Network and system Engineer/Skilled State Sponsored


    Yes it saved lots of bucks. But the most valuable thing was clarity and 100% control on my application progress. I did not need to wait for agent's comment or feedback.



    But to do that, i read every single rules and requirements from the gov websites. Prepared my documents with no gaps.


    Here is my Summary:


    1) Skill Assessment from Engineers Australia (Took about 3 months)

    2) Skill Assessment from ACS (Took 2 months)

    3) Applied for NSW state sponsorship (Took 6 months)

    4) Finally applied to Immi.gov.au (Took 5 months)



    Am am not a native English speaker. It was bit challenging for me to read and follow all rules and regulations. But i was able to make it.

    I am sure you can do that as well...


    The gov websites are too good and enriched with information. You can also call/email for help.


    Note: Everybody's case may not be simple like mine. In some situation agent can help better. It depends on the actual scenario




    Wish u good luck

  6. Just for fitness purpose. I started workouts at gym recently.

    Week-1 74.2 kg

    Week-2 73.2 kg

    Week-3 72.1 kg

    Week-4 71.7 kg

    Last night 71.6 kg

    Thanks to cross trainer and rowing machine. Had divorce with potato chips. Broke my friendship with icecream


    Half an hour ago had bowl of peanuts with finely chopped hot red chili, Soy-sauce + White vinegar to overcome the sorrow. :(

    While typing this post am looking at the freezer ( where box of icecream is locked )

  7. Sorry to jump in.


    Neither the title is right nor its wrong.


    No matter you shared details about you or not...


    People will ask the same question after saying Hello. And that is " Where are you from ? "


    So somehow kbhogal answered that in one line ..... :D



    And I would say don't get wrong perception abt NewJez's comment.


    Coz some people may think kbhogal looks for indian or British people only... It's their problem not the problem of the title.


    Newjez just pointed to that possibility...





    However, best of luck to all.


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