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About DainG909

  • Birthday 28/10/1979

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  1. <p><p>Hi, As I posted on the forum, I'm interested in your story as someone hoping to come to WA and to live in Bunbury. I look after content for <a href="<a href="http://www.abc.net.au/southwestwa" rel="external nofollow">http://www.abc.net.au/southwestwa</a>" rel="external nofollow"><a href="http://www.abc.net.au/southwestwa" rel="external nofollow">http://www.abc.net.au/southwestwa</a></a> I'm interested in a modern migrant story, what you have to do to be accepted and then the decisions you have to make - as you're doing with trying to find out about work and education. you can find contact info on the website. Regards Sharon</p></p>

  2. Thinking of doing 6 months in Bunbury and see what I can get.....if not too great look to move closer to Perth. And not expecting to go in at the same level I'm at at the mo - would be nice but got to realistic. South Perth should be ok (used to a long commute), but the CBD is out I think to start with And verystormy - esu is Educational Support Unit. Eldest is Autistic, but difficult to judge how good the units are from the UK. At least he's an Oz citizen, .otherwise we wouldn't have got in. Afzal - parents in law live just to the north of Bunbury so crashing with them till our container arrives. Then look to rent ( depending on the job sit.). Otherwise look at Mandurah. But I'm used to a long commute atm. So 2-2 1/2 hours should be fine, as long as worth it in petrol/parking
  3. Ta Limited by need for an ESU that teaches in the same way my eldest is currently taught. Found 2. One in Bunbury one in Balga. And have been warned off Balga by a few peeps. once were there may be easier to asses other schools closer to Perth if needs be, but most we asked wernt interested as we wernt in the country - even though he has dual-nationality. Oh well see what I can get in and around Bunbury to start with. And good luck to u too scrumpy. Hopefully get out there before the weather gets too hot - get a couple of weeks to aclimatize before the 40° kicks in.
  4. ​Hi all, hoping for my subclass 100 to be granted in the next month or so (7 months of waiting has been stressful), and am looking to move to Bunbury, south of Perth (mainly due to family-in-law, plus there is a decent ESU for my eldest) - but I'm getting a little worried about work - and I was wondering if anyone could offer opinions/advice/warnings!!! Im an IT manager at the mo, and was wondering what the job prospects in that (and anything similar) are in and around Bunbury from anyone that has a clue. I could commute as far as Perth (and anyone offering their opinions on the 2 hour each way drive would be more than welcome) and don't think I'd have an issue finding something there, but I don't want to move round the other side of the world just to carry on with 4 hours of commuting each day (not to mention the $10k of petrol each year), unless its seriously seriously worth it. Also, anyone who's in the Bunbury area anything to avoid/look for/do/general hints? thanks everyone, dg
  5. Hi all, hoping for my subclass 100 to be granted in the next month or so (7 months of waiting has been stressful), and am looking to move to Bunbury, south of Perth (mainly due to family-in-law, plus there is a decent ESU for my eldest) - but I'm getting a little worried about work - and I was wondering if anyone could offer opinions/advice/warnings!!! Im an IT manager at the mo, and was wondering what the job prospects in that (and anything similar) are in and around Bunbury from anyone that has a clue. I could commute as far as Perth (and anyone offering their opinions on the 2 hour each way drive would be more than welcome) and don't think I'd have an issue finding something there, but I don't want to move round the other side of the world just to carry on with 4 hours of commuting each day (not to mention the $10k of petrol each year), unless its seriously seriously worth it. Also, anyone who's in the Bunbury area anything to avoid/look for/do/general hints? thanks everyone, dg
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